Saturday 6 November 2010

God Only Wise ...

a fave, Eoghan [Owen] Heaslip and 'God Only Wise'
take all our joy and pain...we lift up our eyes...and all that we are we offer You...You're the Lord of space and time...everything You do brings LIFE... take every hope and longing, take all our joy and pain... use us to bless this broken world...use us to bring You praise...all that we have we give You now...all that we are is Yours alone...teach us to trust You with our lives... God Only Wise... Who else can guide so faithfully... sovereign and kind...

here  Sunday inspiration
and here ...

                            Natasha's 5 minutes just for me...


  1. Calling by from Italy via Sunday Song, having a listen to the great and varied selections. I have never heard this singer or song before,very catchy.

  2. Thank you so much for following me! I'm following you right back. Nice to meet you. I'm enjoying browsing your blog. It's lovely!
    Nice song today too.

  3. That was lovely. Thanks for sharing it this Sunday Morning. I'd not heard him before.

  4. I've never heard of him~ Thanks for showing the correct way to pronounce his name, too. =)

    I love hearing music that share the truth of God's attributes.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!