Tuesday 2 November 2010

November's first Teacup Tuesday...

Welcome to our first
Teacup Tuesday
for November!

i absolutely LOVE this photo
'A True Victorian/Edwardian Tea Lover's Corner'
i am inviting each of you to have a peek
just by clicking on the sidebar button.
if you are interested,
we are having a tea exchange
for all those who respond by November 8th!
hoping to see you on the
members list soon !

today, may we
'Joyfully draw water from the springs of Salvation...'


  1. What a lovely little vignette. That is a beautiful teacup and saucer.

  2. Beautiful photo and I love a good cup of tea. I gave up coffee over four years ago and haven't missed it. I only started drinking it when my second son was born and I needed the kick-start...but soon found that I really didn't like it unless you loaded it with sugar and cream. Too heavy really for me. I don't mind a mocha once in a blue moon but prefer good hot cup of tea any day.

  3. A very beautiful photo! I am going to check out your tea exchange and see if I can participate. I have never done one before.

  4. What a beautiful photo and lovely teacup :)
    I always love your pretty posts


  5. Hi Sharon,
    Thank you for joining me for Tea Time today. I always enjoy having you. I have already checked out the Victorian tea site and signed up. Thanks for mentioning it. The teacup photo above is just lovely! I enjoy Lady Estelle's blog very much.
    I have a very good friend here on the Island who also wrote new lyrics to the song Hallelujah but he only sings it at church and in private settings. I actually like his version even better than Kelley's! It is a lovely melody and I'm glad that those who are gifted can incorporate words that more befit the song. Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day.


  6. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the follow! Your blog is so bright and pretty! Love the photo you shared from Lady Estelle!
    Have a great day!
    ~Donna A~

  7. Hi :) I can certainly see why you would love that photo; the teacup is gorgeous and the lace underneath is lovely. Come and pop over to see the Giveaway I am having, it runs thru November 20th :)

    Happy Tea Tuesday, warmest hugs, Brenda

  8. Oh, I want to come over for tea and drink out of that cup! Such a beautiful picture. Thank you for the invite!

  9. Cute teacup! You've won a giveaway on my blog!

  10. MANY thx to ea of you for taking tea with me ~
    Loving your chat & company :)
    and AJ, you've started a new day off with a LOT of happiness :) THANK YOU !

  11. Hi Sharon: What an amazing picture. Thank you so much for being a part of the party. Blessings, Martha

  12. Dear Sharon,

    As I have supported my doula clients, some through pregnancy and birth and others with new baby care these last few days I find I do not have the time to chat with each of you individually and thank you for commenting or participating in our Tuesday meme. Please know how much we appreciate and anticipate your contributions each week.

    Look forward to joining you around the tea table this week.

    I have joined the exchange, though I am uncertain how I can particapate.

    Blessings, Pam


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!