Monday 10 January 2011

2nd TeaCup Tuesday 2011...

what a lovely week of
meeting TeaCup luvers!
you really are amazing!
i'm luving your interest in the TeaCup Trade
and the thoughtful & {FUN!} responses
to the questionnaire...
you are going to have such a great time
picking & packing for your partners!
i think the sign-up will end this PS {Pink Saturday}
[contact me quick if you want to join us :)]
in order to give me time
to matchup partners and connect you.
then you'll have the remaining time
to post your parcels
for a Valentine delivery/arrival...
sound ok ?
you've responded beautifully!
and the warmth of your responses
to the trade & your prospective partners
is truly part of the gift!
may you be richly blessed
in your generous-hearted hospitality!!
MUCH LOVE from Me :)
if you're just discovering the exchange
please feel free to contact & join us !
Welcome to our Valentine TeaCup Trade!

the teacup i'm sharing today,
to me, says 'winter'!

white snow with garlands of snowflakes...

and spring appearing when you reach bottom!

enjoy more of today's teacup treats
Miss Spenser's
Friendship Tea
Bernideen's yummiest cranberry scones!!
the Plumed Pen
Princesa Nadie
Silken Purse
Victorian Tea Lovers' Corner
Tea Lady Estelle's
Lavender Cottage
Laura's Rose Garden with her Birthday Giveaway
on Jan 13th !!
Gracious Hospitality
Donna's Comin' Home
has a new linky teaparty :)
Rayanne's Lovely Thought

a quick add - just received from
Marilou of LuLu's Lovelies
who has awarded FHC the
very cool ~ THx Marilou !!
who has her own verrry 'stylish' blog :)
now i'm to share 7 things about me...
mom of 3 married = 6 kids !!
tea fanatic with fully stocked tea pantry :)
loose tea preferrer
lifelong learner
faithful friend!
find more stylish blogs in the teacup treats
listed above - having just rcvd this award,
and working on my course assignment due tomorrow 
i haven't yet had time
to contact and award them!
Thx again Marilou !


  1. Hello,
    this is a wonderful tea cup. I love this dainty flowers and golden garlands. And your thoughts are so sweet. Have a good time.
    Greetings, Johanna

  2. As Johanna has sadi a lovely dainty cup. Thanks for sharing.


  3. such beautiful teacup! love the colours and the shape. lovely!

  4. I am visiting you first time and so happy to see your T-cup, its very beautiful love the golden touch on it, and flowers are really delicate... Although T-cups are not my passion but feel so happy with such interesting design...
    Wish you a very bless full New Year

  5. Beautiful cup. Happy Tea Day!

  6. Hi Faith, I wanted to say thanks for dropping by earlier this week. I'm not sure how to join up, but thank you for the invitation.

    I'm hosting my Tuesday tea Party and would be thrilled to have you join me. I would love to be party of the tea cup exchange.

    Lovely tea cup!

    Donna @ Comin' Home

  7. What a beautiful teacup you have shared with us today.

    Have a most wonderful day and a great Tea Party.


  8. Lovely china!
    Enjoyed my visit with you today.

    God bless,
    d from homehaven

  9. What a lovely idea and beautiful teacup patterns all 'round!
    Love them all!!!

  10. Hello! I love your tea cup for today. So my style! Love the gold filigree.
    Your new blog look is lovely. The pink, yellow and blue so spring like.
    I am looking forward to the tea cup swap!
    (p.s. just wanted to mention that today I am having trouble loading your could be me, but so far it has only happened on your page.)

  11. Oh I do have a love for tea cups...Thanks for sharing some gorgeous ones!
    Loved to have your visit.

  12. Hi Sharon,
    That's a lovely teacup; really sweet with the gold garland on it! You sure have joined a lot of memes. Would appreciate you adding mine too. Thank you for sharing and for joining me for Tea Time today. Have a wonderful week.


  13. Really pretty and beautiful!
    I´m glad meeting you

  14. Hi You have such a lovely blog that I wanted to let you know that you have received the Stylish Bloggers Award so other bloggers can connect with other beautiful blogs they haven't visited before! Such a wonderful way to share. Can't wait until our TeaCup exchange! Heartful Hugs Marilou

  15. Hi Miss Cherrytea! Thank you for inviting me to your tea! Your tea cup is gorgeous; I'm a "mug" gal myself, but I know beauty when I see it!! Huggs, Margo

  16. Hi: I just love that tea cup! It is beautiful. I think this is one I want to look for on Ebay. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  17. I'm really looking forward to the tea cup trade! Can't wait!

  18. Hello there dearest Faith!

    ~ At long last I am on the mend with regard to my heath and also my extreme fatigue from being so busy in December and I am now able to come by and visit you once again!..,

    ~ I also enjoyed last week's Tuesday Tea post;
    What a fabulous post; such a pretty floral teacup.., so lovely!

    Especially thanks so much for joining us in our little corner of, 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland', 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday' and also, 'Tuesday Tea For Two', in times past over the past year!

    I am always so cheered and encouraged when you partake!

    Have a marvelous week!

    Cheers, blessings and hugs from Wanda Lee
    and also


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!