Tuesday 25 January 2011

3rd teacup tuesday...

3rd teacup tuesday
for me this year~

here's a cutey
to share with you today

i'll probably choose my fave tea
'the Earl's Garden'
from davidstea:
'When he wasn’t in China discovering secret tea recipes,
Britain’s second Earl Grey lived at Howick Hall in England,
just like his ancestors had done since 1319.
And also like his ancestors,
he was a keen gardener and outdoorsman.
This tea would no doubt have suited him' ~

black tea with bergamot
highlighted by
strawberries, raspberries and
essence of black currant
the aroma is intoxicating,
the savouring divine!

isn't she darling?
entirely feminine
a shabby beauty !
in colouring and roses...

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful,
or believe to be beautiful."
William Morris ~
British designer, poet, craftsman

many lovely TeaTime blogposts
of our Valentine TeaCup Traders
listed on the above top right...

teatime conversation

Rayanne's Lovely Thoughts

Valentine Teas

Kathy's Delightsome Life

 teacup treats

for how to brew
a Perfect Pot of Tea!
and YuMMy Gingerbread Waffles...

ParTea Lady

3 4 GorGeous Giveaways for you today:

Valrie's Surprises Giveaway

Amy's All Things Home...


Marydon's TeaTime Giveaway
for Jan 30th

don't forget Tracie's magazine & flower seeds
closes at 6 pm friday 28th...

something to enjoy with your tea break...

soooo many THANKS
for the Pleasure of YOUR company
for Tea Today...


  1. Beautiful teacup and saucer! Isn't it fun to enjoy a cup of tea in a pretty setting? Thanks for visiting my post. May the Lord give you great joy as you go about your week. Gloria

  2. oh yes! she is a darling! love her! so beautiful! my fave kindda cup! have a great day!

  3. I have my tea cup on the counter with a tea picked out. Bought white macadamia nut cookies. One for me two for Don and at around 3 I plan on having some quiet time. Thanks for the inspiration to take time out for tea.

  4. Oh, I really love the colors of your teacup. So soft and romantic!

  5. Your cup is so pretty, all those lovely little flowers! I adore your background on your blog. It is so vibrant and cheerful!

  6. Your Teacup is gorgeous, so delicate and wonderful colors.


  7. your cup is beautiful... where do you find all your pretty cups....

  8. That is such a sweet and very pretty teacup ~ I always do like the ones with pretty pink roses :)

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  9. Hi: I just love that pedestal tea cup. It is so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Blessings, Martha

  10. That is a beautiful teacup. The flowers are pretty and what lovely shape and texture it has. I've never tried Earl's Garden tea - it looks delicious.

  11. Hello there dear lady!

    I'm delighted that you joined us once again with the fun for TTTT as well as for the 67th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two'; our little corner of, 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland!..,

    What a fabulously pretty teacup, yummy, looseleaf tea and delightful teacosy as well! ~ Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!..,

    Have a wonderful week!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

    P. S. ~ Sorry I was so late this week in posting due to technical difficulties, (especially with my, 'The Plumed Pen' blog).

  12. Thanks for stopping by on Tuesday Tea Time. I was up so late and out the door so early I couldn't get my post up. I have noted your 4 entries and thank you so much for promoting the giveaway! Off to enjoy my spot of evening tea!


  13. Hello,
    Your blog is looking exceptionally lovely! So very, very sweet! I have thoroughly enjoyed your post and am so grateful to see you joining A Return to Loveliness this week. You've made it all the more special!
    God Bless,

  14. How wonderful your blog is, I am enjoying myself very much. I am glad you commented on my blog so I could visit yours.
    Love and Blessings in your day!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!