Friday 28 January 2011

five favourites?

Fave Verses Friday Five

Coming from Songbird of my Rev Gal Pals,
here's today's Friday Five meme:
"Twenty years ago, I was on a Pastoral Search Committee, and one of the questions we asked the ten candidates we interviewed in the first round was to tell us their three favourite passages of scripture. I loved hearing the variety of verses quoted and even learned some that I didn't know, such as the last line of one of this week's lectionary passages:
"He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice,
and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
(Micah 6:8)
For today's Friday Five,
list your five favourite passages/verses
from the Bible and tell us something about why you love them".

a.m...since i'm off to teach my class,
i'll leave you with the questions while i'm away. 
 maybe you'd like to blog yours or share in comments? 
 i'll answer this when i'm back from class...
i know my first will be Isaiah 26.3
all about peace...

p.m... ok, back from class & onto my responses ")

Isaiah 26.3
"a person whose desire rests on you
you preserve in perfect peace,
because he trusts in you. 
Trust in ADONAI forever,
because in Yah ADONAI, is a Rock of Ages."

how this has proved true through soooo much 'stuff'!
ADONAI is trustworthy! 
and his shalom is more than absence of trouble~
it's been evidenced so many times as
his covenant of wholeness and completion
as i have set my desire upon him
in preference to transitory desires...
ties in well with Ps 37.3,4

2 Samuel 23.3,4
"the Rock of Isra'el said to me,
'A ruler over people must be upright,
ruling in the fear of God;
like the morning light at sunrise
on a cloudless day
that makes the grass on the earth sparkle after a rain.'"

he said the same to me as to David
both in my position as mom of my children
which, unbeknownst to me, was preparation for further life positions
he'd ordained for me requiring leadership.

2 Samuel 23.5
"For my house stands firm with God ---
he made an everlasting covenant with me.
It is in order, fully assured,
that he will bring to full growth
all my salvation 
and every desire."

oh my, how often i've stood on this Rock!
God is at work with an end in mind.
completing, finishing, furnishing.
it's about growth & process~
in situations and in us

Isaiah 42.3,4
"He will not snap off a broken reed
or snuff out a smoldering wick;
he will bring forth justice according to truth.
He will not weaken or be crushed
until he has established justice on the earth,
and the coastlands wait for his Torah."

and we can join Him in bringing that Torah to them!
to see God in His strength & power
His determination, perseverance, tenacity~
the opp to join Him in mission wherever we are
bringing forth His justice, His kingdom,
and in His manner, His lifegiving ways
continually inspires and inspirits me,
has directed me in much of my life's course.

Isaiah 30.15
"Returning and resting is what will save you;
calmness and confidence will make you strong"...

totally my life's verse!
calmness & 'trusting confidence'!
will make me strong
and how many times have i needed to be strong!
Is 50.10 excellent addition to this~
trusting in ADONAI's reputation and relying on God...
because He's trustworthy and reliable!

and i do love the introductory verse quoted
{especially from the Complete Jewish Bible}
where possible requirements for an audience with God
are being discussed
 resulting in the reality of
Micah 6.8
"Human being, you have already been told
what is good, what ADONAI demands of you ---
no more than to act justly, love grace and
walk in purity with your God."

my fave amazing picture of God's salvation
came during incredible losses
Is 54.11-end [17]
"Storm-ravaged, unconsoled,
I will set your stones in the finest way,
lay your foundations with sapphires,
make your windows shine with rubies,
your gates with garnet, your walls with gemstones,
All your children will be taught by ADONAI,
your children will have great peace...
or 'great will be their peace & composure'...
GorGeous Goodness of God!
that follows me every day of my life...

the entire chapter of Isaiah 58 is fabulous!
perhaps i'll add it as a page
when i can squeeze in another activity to my days ")

Isaiah 12.2
"See!  God is my salvation.
I am confident and unafraid;
for Yah ADONAI is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation!"

to which i add my
yes! it is indeed true
and Amen! so be it!

the favourites just keep rolling~
this is a tiny snowball
compared to the snowman my list would build!

know you're welcome to offer yours either here in comments
or post your own and link back here...
"building ourselves up in our most holy faith"
as Jude 20 puts it ")

Then Sings My Soul with Amy
for more musical inspiriting
more spiritual reflections
with Charlotte & Ginger

thanks for sharing time with me today!
grace & peace...


  1. I did over at my blog and will be back later to see what you come up with, yourself.

  2. What if all our leaders conducted themselves in the fear of God like "the morning light at sunrise of a cloudless day." I am loving that image. Jude 20, indeed.

  3. all of your favorite's come from the Hebrew/OT. Interesting choices, so many that I love too.

  4. Same thought here, what do you love in the NT? Would love to know.

  5. well, as it was your meme and restricted to 5, i realized i'd already exceeded the limit without moving into nt, so had to end it somewhere "_
    maybe another day's meme?

  6. Singing Owl's
    lovely encouragment from the FHC posterous blog site:

    SingingOwl () said:

    It was difficult to choose only five. These are wonderful--Isa. 42:3-4 is one of my favorites too.

    MANY Thx Singing Owl! your visits are always a blessing!!

  7. How interesting to have all OT verses. I liked reading them and am glad you chose them.

  8. Thank you, Jan, for both returning & for your inspiriting compliment!

  9. Isaiah 26:3 is a scripture I remember well. God showed it to me during a time when I thought there would be conflict between some family members. And He kept us in perfect peace!


  10. those are some of my favourites too...:) thanks for sharing!

    happy Spiritual Sunday!!

  11. Thank you for sharing these verses. Some verses are very familiar. These you have shared are some I am not as well acquainted with. Thank you.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!