Friday 7 January 2011

life's new dance ...

it's into the full swing of life's dance for me... hosting my first international teacup exchange, today's first *Get Better Together* class to instruct for the new year, first online Theology of Worship class today, featuring Bp N.T. Wright's *Simply Christian*, and a weekend worship conference begins at 7 this evening!  how's your new year faring so far?
apparently my rev gal pals want us reviewing the old before heading into the new, so here's my response to their blog request for today's Friday Five...

Revgalblogpal Friday Five: Holiday Redux Edition

Not so fast, revgals and pals!!!

Yes, I know it's January and yes, I know some of us are still on a cool sprint after only a brief respite (if that) from Advent and Christmas BUT... before we move too far along into The Next, I wanted to give us a chance to reflect on What Was.
A couple of staff members and I sat down today and wrote down what worked and didn't work during the Advent and Christmas season. There are quite a few things bearing down on us at the moment so it was a discipline to do it, but ten and a half months from now Future Me is going to LOVE that we made the effort.
And so partly to give us all a record and partly to give us all a chance to reflect on the 2010 Holiday Season now that we are out of it, I ask you this:

1) What food item was one of your favorites this year - a definite keeper?
    the pecan crusted sweet potatoes!  almost like eating dessert with the main course :)

2) Was there a meal or party or a gathering that stands out in your mind from this most recent holiday season?
    early evening of New Year's Day, my kids picked me up & we headed to the cinema for a family viewing of the *Voyage of the Dawn Treader* - film adaptation of CS Lewis' book of the same title from the Narnia Chronicles.  and i say all that because i've had a fair few responses from people who haven't ever heard of author or series.  following the movie, we all returned to my place for homemade cookies {courtesy of my generous & hospitable aunt!} and not just one pot of tea!  my tea collection is a well known family 'secret', so now was the opportunity to experience new flavours and combos ~ great time of story telling - FuN escapades and future frolics!  i'd repeat it in an instant!!

3) Were you involved in a jaw-dropper gift? Were you the giver or recipient or an on-looker?
    i'm delighted to say 'yes' and share it with you.  God was the Giver of this most 'good and perfect' gift...i was both recipient & onlooker.
it was the fourth advent service - a wonderful culmination of a month-long heart preparation - our first advent together & a first for most.  in all our responsive readings and invitations to "Come Lord Jesus", i now needed to offer them the opportunity to invite Jesus to come into their heart.  to my absolute awe and wonder and delight, eleven {11} did !!   i still can't tell this without crying.  thankfully you're reading and not hearing/seeing me share this in person :))  it was the most blessed Christmas gift i could have received... and they!! 

4) Was there at least one moment where you experienced true worship?
    i would have to say the above was one of the most worshipful moments of this entire year !!  to be witness to the new birth of eleven ready, willing and open hearts... God's work, angels joy, my worship.
 5) What is at least one thing you want to make sure you do next year?
    step back from the frenzy into the reality & share it with others !

BONUS: What is something you absolutely must remember to do differently... or not at all!
              start prep earlier and pace it comfortably ~
OR: If you just want to sum it all up in a few words, that will work too.
Thanks for playing!
and thank you for sharing it with me!
God Bless your new year's journey...


  1. Hi Sharon~
    Congratulations on being the featured Pink Saturday Girl! Your new year is so inspirational! Is there such a thing as cherry tea? I have wondered that!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Hi Sharon--
    I read about you on Pink Saturday...congratulations on being featured!!!

  3. Love the game and if I find the time I will play it this weekend. You are featured today on Bev's How Sweet The Sound, and I was expecting a pink post! The game sounds fun though!

    Stop by soon!



Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!