Friday 21 January 2011

matchups complete...

i can't believe
it's after 2 a.m.
and -28 degrees with blowing snow
{or 'dirt' as they say out east! }
but the matchups are now complete !
if anyone participating in the TeaCup Trade
hasn't received a partner
please let me know...
too much FuN to have anyone left out !

you're all the BEST!
and i KNOW you're in for the 
LOVELIEST Valentine surprises!

have a FuN day of discovering
your TeaCup Trade partners!!

i've posted a TeaCup Trade page top right
with instructions for connecting
and completing the exchanges
with accuracy and ease...

1 comment:

  1. That is cold sweetie. Brrr....but such a cute tea party picture.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!