Saturday 22 January 2011

weekend bookstack...

From my Rev Gal Pals,
Jan's Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday Five meme: Books!

*I hope some of you received books for Christmas presents; I did and have been reading ever since. Then I discovered a new author from those recommendations that pop up on Instead of buying those books, I've been checking them out at the library, which will not help Amazon's future recommendations for me at all.

So tell us what you're reading, what you would and would not recommend--five books or authors! And if you don't want to do that freestyle, here are some questions:

1. What books have you recently read?
     i've been enjoying the respite of indoors with outdoor temps of -28,
     so i have a fair bit of reading to share {beside blogs}
     here are a few of my recent reads...

Tell us your opinion of them...

1 ~ interestingly, discussed on my Tuesday post 'Hope that InSpirits' ~
Dan Wilt's ebook 'Stumbling into Mystery'.  required reading for my Theology of Worship course. 
2 ~ another course read.  NT Wright's 'Simply Christian'.  big YES!  basics beautifully expressed.  valuing it too for stirring up responses...reflecting on my history. embedded vs current theology.
3 ~ 'Journeying Out' by Ann Morrisy.  FAB book on missional living ministry. another big YES!

4 ~ 'Organic Community' Joseph Myers. sooo good. on growing community organically vs traditional program based church and leadership.

5 ~ Tim Keel's 'Intuitive Leadership'.  highly recommend it!

2. What books are awaiting your available time to be read?

'Understanding Jesus' Joe Amaral

"Joe Amaral's UNDERSTANDING JESUS is a must read for anyone who is serious about determining the true meaning of Jesus' teachings. Amaral's knowledge of First Century Jewish life presents Jesus in His original cultural context. In doing so, many misunderstood or difficult passages are brought to life." (Dr. Dan Bahat, former District Archaeologist of Jerusalem )

Joe's dvds are another great addition to our libraries.

'The Good and Beautiful God'
'The Good and Beautiful Life'
'The Good and Beautiful Community'
 James Bryan Smith.

3. Have any books been recently recommended?
'The Good and Beautiful' series.

4. What genre of books are your favorite, along with some titles and/or authors you like best?
Agatha Christie mysteries - start anywhere -
Miss Marple, Poirot, Tommy and Tuppence...
great mental refreshment for me.

Leonard Sweet -
'So Beautiful',
'The Gospel According to Starbucks',

'Soul Salsa',
'Summoned to Lead', 'The Three Hardest Words'...
loving the transformative challenges.

5. What have you read lately that you have a strong urge to recommend? [or to condemn?]
i'd recommend any of the above!  or shall i say, ALL of the above?! YES!


  1. I am reading books about walking the Appalachian Trail. Got "300 Zeroes" for Christmas and am about half-way through it. Just started "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson this week, which is a hoot. At 58, I hiked Max Patch on the AT this fall and loved it. Am planning some small day hikes this year. Fun reading about the thru-hikers!

  2. ooops...forgot to add that The Gospel According to Starbucks sure looks intriguing! We are S'bucks fanatics here in this house and I have a daughter in Vancouver Canada that works for S'bucks.. I will be looking into this book.

  3. I wish I could say I'm reading something right now but we are so busy here that I haven't had too many spare moments. I'll let you know what I find out. Looks like you have a beautiful list there.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!