Monday 31 January 2011

YAY !! ValentineTeaCup Party on NOW !!

Valentine TeaCup Trades
are beginning to arrive!
and you'll love the excitement
they're sharing! ~

today is our first chance
to begin adding them to our
Faith Hope & Cherrytea Party linkup...

please do add your Valentine TeaCup Trade package 
photo posts
as you receive them.
those who have nonblogging partners,
please post only following
their receipt of your TeaCup package
in order to keep the surprise for them!

Sincerest Thank YOUs
for sharing your delight with all of us!
your responses & enthusiasm
are invaluable in making this
Valentine TeaCup Trade
such an overwhelming SUCCESS!!
you've amazed me ~
have you put the kettle on?
we're on our way over for tea ! ...

looking for more PINKS ?
LOTS @ BEV's pink saturday post...

ps ~debbiedoos is having a bloggers' party for Newbies like me!   
come check out the guest list & meet more new bloggers!!
WELCOME to my fellow NEWBIES ! ")


  1. Am shipping mine today...was so fun to put together! See ya later for Teacup Tuesday!

  2. Hello! I had the beautiful button on my side bar but took it down once all of the names were exchanged. It is back up again...with a link to this post so that people can see the trades. Sorry!

  3. What a lovely tea set you have shared with us today.


  4. Sent mine off on Monday .... my swap buddy should have it soon .... (())

  5. Hi Sharon,
    I shipped mine yesterday to my lovely partner and tomorrow is her birthday! I shipped it priority so I hope she gets it! Lovely tea set- it makes me want another cup of tea! (I had two already this morning)!
    Have a Blessed day~
    Kim :0)

  6. Your tea set is so gorgeous! What make is it and do you know the pattern number?
    Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    And thank you also for hosting the tea swap.

  7. Going in the mail on Friday at the latest. Went to my fave tea shop on Saturday and it has CLOSED! I was so disappointed but have another idea on where to get the tea. Being at work slows me down. Can't wait to send to my partner!

  8. Sharon ~ Such a lovely share today ... beautiful tea, enjoyed immensely by me. TY

    Please send me your mailing address, I have a wee gift for you.

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~

  9. Hi Sharon! I'm so excited!! I shipped my tea cup to Kim Hanauer yesterday and had such a fun time. I shipped it priority too. :O) I need to go over and see her today. Can't wait for my birthday tea cup. :o) I do hope you can join my Tuesday tea party today. Your photos of your lovely tea set are stunning!

    Donna @ Comin' Home

  10. Wonderful tea Thanks for joining in on the party.

  11. Love the tea you shared, so pretty!

  12. Lovely tea set you shared today. Thank you.

  13. Tea sets all so pretty... I cannot get mine to link up tonight..will try again in the morning

  14. Got mine from Lori (La)! So pretty! Can't wait to post the pictures. Will be shipping my package to her tomorrow or Saturday!

  15. Oh sorry looks Like I haven't told you all I sent may package off to Athens on the 28th of Jan. She hasn't received it yet but fingers crossed she will like it & it will arrive soon.

    Love Dawn xx

  16. Oh yes, my cup arrived at Tracie's the other day. I apologize for not mentioning that I had mailed it.

  17. The tea set is very pretty and I like the way you used the light in the photos. Soothing and fun
    Marie Arden Pink Living

  18. Though I keep trying the linky won't work for you'd like to see what I gave to Dolly here is the link! ; )

  19. Thanks so much for lots of fun! Would love to do it again! :)


  20. i would love to do another trade if anyone else is interested... thanks for organizing the last one. it was so much fun


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!