Friday 18 February 2011

our passion words...

From Jan of my rev gals blog pals, "There is a dramatic and surprising venue for Spiritual Formation/Sunday School classes at my church: Each week a different person teaches about a "word" that expresses his/her passion or interest. The first week someone spoke about "hospitality" with abundant treats on her mother and grandmother's china arrayed on tables. Other words have been "connectivity," "Trinity," "money," and "dreams." No one knows which person will be teaching until the class convenes. I am teaching this Sunday and plan to talk about "stirrings."

For this Friday Five, [invites Jan] please list five words that identify your passions, spirituality, and/or life. Describe as much or as little as you wish:

{1} interestingly, hospitality tops my list as any regular FHC reader will have gathered! i'd have loved those china borne treats shared by Jan's Spiritual Formation class volunteer!

 in fact, it's exactly what i did for my {InSpirit} participants this past monday {Valentine's Day} for our {True Love} service. i took my china plates and teacups along for sharing lemon curd cake topped with whipped cream and a generously full sized strawberry ~ mm mmm mm! "when is our next teatime?" was their delighted response! "))

i do like to teach the openness of heart that receives and welcomes another~ what results from having accepted that we are received and welcomed as the beloved of God.  the hospitality of Father, Son and Holy Spirit our example.  the invitation of God into relationship through Jesus Yeshua.  and God's invitation to open our heart that Father, Son and Holy Spirit may come in and fellowship in hospitality with the individual... the warmth of relationship and hospitality as i've previously posted...

{2} prayer ~ from expectant waiting in stillness before God to the heartfelt cry of 'HELP!'  how prayer changes us... not just results or outcome.

{3} praise ~ how turning our thoughts from focused on the situation to praise of God changes our perspective completely.  i love that revelation and the outcome!  i have loved learning the different meanings of the various words included in our one word 'praise'.  we've been shortchanged! 
Hallal-to praise, to make a show or rave about, to glory in or boast upon, to be clamorously foolish about your adoration of God 
Barak-to kneel or bow, to give reverence to God as an act of adoration, implies a continual conscious giving place to God, to be atuned to him and his presence 
Tehillah-to sing hallal, a new song, a hymn of spontaneous praise glorifying God in song
Todah-an extension of the hand, avowal, adoration, a choir of worshipers, confession, sacrifice of praise, thanksgiving 
Yadah-to use, hold out the hand, to revere or worship (with extended hands, praise thankful, thanksgiving)  
Zamar-to touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument i.e. play upon it, to make music accompanied by the voice, to celebrate in song and music, give praise, sing forth praises, psalms 
Alaz-to jump for joy, exult, be joyful, rejoice, triumph  
Guwl-to spin around, under the influence of any violent emotion - yes! to dance in praise!  just to name a few 'praise' descriptors!

{4} advocacy ~ essential to the well being - the very life - of the elderly and disabled.  actively involved in their lives as friend, minister and caregiver, i've become personally aware of this growing need for being the voice for 'those who have no voices'...

{5} mom ~ my first and foremost valued title!  it's expanded in meaning from my natural born to my DsIL and SIL and spiritual motherhood, but an honour i'm proud to carry !

a great play today, Jan!  thanks for your creativity.

what 5 words describe your passions, spirituality, life?
i look forward to reading your thoughtful responses ")

more rev gal pal thoughts here~


  1. Great post! I love the Sunday School idea about teaching on a passion word. I'm going to have to borrow that! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Prayer is what I like. How prayer changes us not just results or outcome!

  3. Hi Susan, what a beautiful blog you have! Adding you to my blog love, thank you for the same, and I'm going to follow you so I don't miss a thing, xoxo tami

  4. Wow, what an inspiring post, and the lemon curd cake looks scrumptious. Thank you for sharing.

  5. That is a beautiful cake, and this is a beautiful blog! My 5 words would be almost the same as yours.
    Mine would be
    1. Prayer-(my relationship with my Lord, which also includes Trust, Believe, Follower. . .)
    2. Praise
    3. Compassion
    4. Family member
    5. Peace

  6. I love the idea of teaching on a word. Very interesting concept. I trust your teaching will bring for LIFE!

  7. Love is my passion word. We all have the ability to give and feel it. There is no power stronger than love. And it free to give.

  8. I love the idea for your class. It is inspirational for me to listen to other peoples heart.
    God Bless,


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!