Sunday 27 February 2011

new clothes ...

yay! new clothes!
be blessed getting dressed ! ...


  1. Oh, how I try! I am so humanly flawed! But I guess the joy of it all is that we all get to put on "new clothes" everyday! PAM

    P.S. Just wanted to let you know that I am one short of 30 followers, 3/5ths to 50 followers and the chocolate giveaway. Thanks for featuring it on your sidebar!

  2. I try and the beautiful thing with the Lord is you get a fresh start every morning :-) Happy Sunday~!

  3. Now those are the best clothes of all! And I love your cute St Patricks Day clipart! It is certainly in the minds of many of us as I spotted some cute clip art at Whidbey Womans, and I have a St Patricks Day snowman clipart up on my site. Very fun and very springy - more new clothes for the landscape with flowers soon to start growing. Thank you for a lovely Spiritual Sunday and a sweet smile. :)

  4. What a sweet choice of scripture today. Lovely.

  5. I Love this……
    We have a awesome God!

  6. And I wish I could wear these clothes 24/7 but I am SO not perfect.

    However, I love the lord and I try hard and I am SO VERY thankful for the atonement. Through this we can be forgiven and try again, the lord has truly blessed his children through his beloved son Jesus Christ and I am eternally grateful.

    Love Dawn xx

  7. I just love this! This makes my day!
    God Bless,

  8. Clothed with compassion, kindness... I want my clothes to be service ready!

  9. Great Post! Nice to meet you.~Cheers Kim

  10. I suppose Great minds think alike today... Love your choice of artwork. My post is based on the same scripture :0)

    Bless you for sharing so beautifully today,

  11. These are the best kinds of new clothes. And everybody needs them.

  12. great image and verse... grateful for the clothes He has laid out for us to wear!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!