Thursday 10 February 2011

poetic love & introduction...

Eternal Journey
As the crimson flame of life
Breaks slowly
Above the horizon,
The white, frosted meadows,
With trees and hedgerows
Of sculptured ice,
Speak loudly
Of your presence.
Once more
Upon this journey,
As another day begins,
Without effort
Or intrusion,
Through the peace
And tranquility
Of your silent voice,
The moment becomes eternal.
And the journey
Begins again.
i've had the recent pleasure of meeting Chris Roe of Norwich uk
through the blog
and he has graciously sent me his first book of poetry,
"In Search of Silence"
 duly signed, i might add, 
for my review.
it's been pure delight to have a go at both Chris' writing
watercolours of brother Paul who has
charmingly illustrated
"In Search of Silence".

both poetry and artwork
suitably stir my memories of and desires for
english countryside life and rural habits.
from "The Ancient Path" ~
. . . thatched cottages,
nestle closely together,
beneath a busy autumn sky,
and beyond the narrow, winding road,
small patchwork meadows,
surrounded by rambling hedgerows,
are you transported there with me?
or from " Below the Winter Sky" ~
. . .  As I close the door,
fresh snow covers my tracks
along the lane,
as winter secures its hold
upon the cottage in the valley. . .
covering topics of beauty, daily life,
love and death, rural scenes
 tackling faith, hope, peace and the spiritual,
all framed with the warmth of familiarity.
Chris' realities are not unlike our own.
from "To Dream of Spring" ~
. . . A glowing fire in the grate,
Another log brightens the flame,
A warm drink,
a comfortable chair,
time to rest,
to sleep,
to dream of spring.
Chris Roe's collection of 45 poems is available
through Silent FLight Publications
a bit of online bio on Chris says:

I have always loved living and working within a rural community. Much of my working life has been spent in agriculture and more recently as a self-employed gardener. Through my poetry I endeavour to capture the spiritual peace and beauty of rural landscape, so precious and important to us all and which, since childhood, I have been so privileged to enjoy.

Some of my creations have been published in small press magazines in the UK. I also have a website on which some of my work, together with artwork by my brother Paul Roe, have been incorporated into a small number of commercial products... a further set of six greeting cards. Both the cards and poetry collection include my brother Paul's art.
Although life and creation have had some very dark days,
the magic of this Light never ceases to amaze me,
and continues always to lift my spirits.
kind regards,
Chris Roe
i am pleased to offer you this introduction to Chris,
and to recommend the beauty of
"In Search of Silence"
to each of you.


  1. So glade you shared these poems and Chris himself.I love His work.My kind of poetry.

  2. What a beautiful poem...and illustrations.

    Thanks for sharing.


  3. Oh how beautiful!!! What a lovely introduction and beautiful post!

  4. Hi,

    This is my first visit to your blog, and although I'm not familiar with the writings of this poet, I discovered a voice that speaks of an enchanted place.

    I grew up in Chicago, a place so dissimilar to a rural UK setting or even rural America. Yet, I can identify with descriptions of snow and winter. The biting chill of the wind blowing over Lake Michigan, massive icicles hang like earrings from the heights of tall buildings as a blanket of snow covers sidewalks and cars.

    We're often reminded that God speaks in the blooming colors of Spring, But God also speaks through the images of Winter as well. This poem, Eternal Journey, speaks to me of the presence of God, and the opportunity to begin again, a journey not quite complete.

    Blessings and peace.


  5. Sharing poetry this Spiritual Sunday is so appropriate. Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. beautiful....happy valentines....

  7. I grew up in a rural setting and I find that God speaks to me through His creation. It would be hard for me to trade small town life for the big city.

    This is a beautiful poem that speaks to my heart.


  8. Thank you for sharing these beautiful poems, picture, poet and artist. What a blessing.

  9. This was beautiful!
    Happy valentines day

  10. My heart was warmed by the poetry and your review. Thank you for sharing. May your Valentines day be filled with love.


  11. Hi,
    Many thanks to all of you who have taken the time and effort to make such generous comments regarding my poetry. It is always encouraging and inspiring to know that others can relate to and enjoy your work as an author.

    Kind regards,


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!