Friday 11 March 2011


Friday Five: All About Cars!

From Singing Owl of my Rev Gal Pals :
"Maybe it's just me, but I often remember how long ago something occured or something about it by recalling the car we had at the time. For today's Friday Five, tell us about the cars in your life. Maybe we can even tempt some of the guys of the ring to join us. Specifically, tell us about:"

1. The earliest recollection you have of a family car ~
     would be the turquoise and white oldsmobile delta 88. 
big old bomb of a car now, but had the solid weight for a good smoooooth ride!

2. The first car you drove when you could (legally) get behind the wheel yourself.~
    a sporty little convertible MGB with a chrome roll bar and mag wheels! {similar to this}

3. A memorable road trip ~
    oh, so many to remember!  ok, i'll tell of one as a child...
    my father trucked long distance, hauling cars from the manufacturer to car dealers, throughout the west.  where i got my love of cars i guess!  i remember getting to ride in the very first mustangs dad delivered!  we would often get to go with him on the trips, as he was concerned about spending time together, and this way he wasn't missing out on seeing us grow.  and we got to travel the country from very young and on! 
mom didn't miss out either ~ we got to visit with our grandparents and she could travel with dad. 
the trip i'm thinking of included stops at the roadside cafes where dad was known
and i was the tiny guest of interest.  i was allowed to order whatever i wanted from the menu!
what a thrill that was.  my fave - a grilled cheese sandwich ")  next stop?
down the road we came to some beautiful waterfalls where dad,
having such an eye and love of beauty, did stop for a break.
closeby stood a smokehouse where dad was able to get his fave - smoked fish! 
so we both had our treat that day and the beauty of sharing such happy times... 

4. The car you drive now. Love it? Hate it?
    i would be one who loves their car ") 
heated leather seats in forever winter weather -yes!
    sunroof to catch every available ray of goodness we get! 
turbo engine for the 'go' i need ")  mags.  and    
 enough room to haul home whatever deal i find !  luv it!

5. An interesting story that involves you and a vehicle ~
oh dear, this will be telling ")...
my very first driving experience was impressionable!
never having driven, let alone a standard, i was not prepared
to handle the car at all.
when it began to slide on the gravel,
i overcorrected, slid right into and through the ditch,
then climbed the chain link fence that got in my way ") !!
i'm impressed to even be driving today
having that as my 1st experience ~
and i know you're wondering... 
no, my driving now is quick but uneventful !

Bonus: What's your idea of good "car music?"
having the stereo i luv i can crank it up with the likes of
CCR, Lynard, Bruce, BRMC,
but i'll leave you with this clip for my bonus ~

so... have you some car stories to tell?
care to share?
many more to enjoy over at
thanks much, Singing Owl!
loved the meme "))


  1. Loved reading about the cars in your life. Too cute.

  2. Those heated seats ARE nice! I remember a "ditch trip" I took as well...although not with a chain link fence in the equation.

  3. New follower from Relax hop...would love a return follow...hagw! Sue

  4. Oh Oh Oh LOVE this post so much! I am sooo into cars it's not even funny. You should see my bedroom wall....yep it's pretty much wallpapered with Mustang stuff! :-) LOVE my Mustang!

    XOXO~ Renee


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!