Tuesday 8 March 2011

pancake tuesday...

mmmm mmm....
pancake tuesday!

our day of celebration
in preparation for the beginning of Lent
wouldn't be complete without
sharing a fave pancake recipe -
 my father was pancake master with this
and thankfully my son has carried on his talent!

it's a german pancake,
thin, with a softness that allows rolling,
which is exactly what we do
once sprinkled sugar has been added, 
liberally covering the top!
then the platter is popped back into the warm oven
while we wait to serve the completed pancakes !

1 3/4 cups flour

1/2 tsp salt

3 eggs

2 cups milk

combine flour and salt, add eggs and milk. 
whip with whisk until free of lumps,
and a thin batter.

heat your fave frying pan.
{  cast iron pan or low sided pans work well }
when hot, melt butter to coat,
then pour approx 1/4 cup batter into the pan
{ tilting the pan until a thin layer covers the bottom }.

cook on medium high until pancake is set.
flip and brown until golden underneath.
watch carefully so that these don't brown too quickly.

remove to plate,
sprinkle with icing sugar or fine berry sugar.
 rolled and kept warm in the oven,
then served with fruit, preserves, lemon juice or maple syrup.

prepare your fave pot of tea!

 when ready,
join me for the pleasure of a perfect pancake tuesday!

if you haven't decided as yet,
perhaps you're ready to reflect on what you might choose to remove
from your life distractions as we begin our Lenten journey...
what keeps you from developing deeper relationship
with God ?
 intentionally choose to use that extra time gained
to focus an undivided heart on your One True Love.
allow that focus to direct your meditation and reflection
throughout Lent.

 the growth is amazing,
as Holy Spirit trains us to hear His voice
above the call of distractions
and leads us in paths that follow God's heart.

may we be blessed as we journey together...


  1. Thank you for sharing! Happy Mardi Gras!

  2. Love your Belleek! Love your musings, too, your blog background and your picture of the stacked tea cups! Gorgeous blog!
    Blessings, Beth

  3. It is amazing whenever we draw our hearts to God and to think of his great love for us - what joy there is in knowing that God provided himself a lamb - for such as you and me...we are precious in his sight.
    Thank you for sharing this lovely post - your love for God and the recipe along with the lovely Irish tea set - I'll have to look them up!
    Thank you for joining A Return to Loveliness - you've made it all the more special,

  4. Such a sweet post in more ways than one. Dessert for the body and for the soul. Have a wonderful day.

  5. Oh how beautiful! Your pancake looks so delicious and your china is gorgeous. The tea pots and tea for one look like Belleek...are they? They are all so very pretty! Thank you for your inspirational post.

  6. I enjoyed seeing these Irish pots!

  7. Yummy good eatings and lovely lent words too!

  8. Poignant post, and the pancakes look so delicious. Definitely will have to try them.

    This might be awful to say, but I think the thing that distracts me most from God is my outside job. Not that I ever stop communion with Him, for He is usually on my mind, but the environment I work in is so harsh, that on my days off I don't sit with Him in rest as I use to do. I think He wants us to rest, and instead I become anxious about what I can get done before I have to go into work again. It's not a place where I bloom, so it's more of a place of anxiety for me.

    So today, I made the special effort to just rest in Him. To not only take the time with Him, but to be mindfully peaceful about it. And to have confidence that this place is for a moment, and He knows the place and time when I will bloom and thrive.

    Thank you for this introspect. It was so timely.

    May blessings abound for you,

  9. Hi Sharon, I really love this post...we do need to get rid of distractions that keep us from spending time with the Lord. I LOVE your pancake recipe and pretty cream colored tea pot and cup. So pretty!

    PS. Thanks a bunch for linking up today. :o)I'm so glad you came.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!