Monday 14 March 2011

prayer of HOPE ...

a prayer of Hope ...

Most merciful God,
in the midst of natural disaster
we look to you in hope and trust,
acknowledging that there is much in life
beyond our present understanding.
Accept our compassion for the suffering;
bless those who are working for their relief;
and show us what we can do to share in their task,
as servants of Jesus Christ our Lord.

thank  you for your prayers and action on behalf of all who suffer...

this and more Prayers and aid agency listings

Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, I messed-up! Thanks so much for your sweet post. Prayers are needed so much right now!!!

  3. That was a beautiful prayer and needed so much at this time.

  4. Prayers are surely needed in Japan, Haiti, and Christ Church right now! God bless them and all who are working there and giving aide!

  5. Yes we must all come together and pray !
    So sad what has happened.

  6. To make a special prayer - for those so far away - it makes me smile - and I prayed it myself. God bless you - this is the kind of thing I think that makes God smile.

  7. Amen and Amen!! :) Thank you for sharing. :)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!