Friday 18 March 2011

signs of spring...

here's the  meme 
from Jan of my rev gal pals.
"Whether we liked it or not,
we all "sprang forward" with the change
to daylight savings time this past Sunday.
There is lightness and brightness slipping in
as spring approaches,
so let us consider what is springing forth in our lives right now.

Name 5 things that are springing forth, possibly including" :

what you hope for~
seriously, at this moment, i'm hoping for some signs
that spring is 'springing forth'!
another -15C nite with -14C day
would love to be seeing more than snow banks...

what you observe~
i'm observing some amazing God Light
in the lives of InSpirit members.
 signs of life
interest, involvement, aha moments...

light and bright moments~
in my own life
as i continue worship theology courses.
the blessing of peer responses and fresh learning.
being~making a difference in my world.

what is concrete~
new areas of growth.
article accepted for publication
in a magazine premiering in April

what is intangible~
new areas of growth.
in love for God
love and care for InSpirit~
both the people and ministry
love and care for my blog readers...

upon reflecting,
i'm loving what's springing forth!
thanks, Jan, for asking ")

what about your life signs of spring?
anything new springing forth?
care to share?

1 comment:

  1. Being a bit south of where you live we are seeing some hints of spring, warmer temps mostly and more daylight. I hope you get some soon!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!