Monday 18 April 2011

Hosanna ~

How was your Palm Sunday service?
i'm preparing for InSpirit's
Hosanna Palm Service
right at the moment
Re-reading the story of Christ's triumphal
entry into the urban world of His day
found in Matthew 21 and John 12

the warmth of welcome and celebration
we, as His followers,
would want Yeshua to receive
yet, reading after the events, we know
this hospitality doesn't last.
nor was it meant to.
His story must take another turn
in order for each of us to have a story...

May you rejoice with the celebrants of that day
may you lay down whatever is yours to offer
to prepare the way of Christ's entry
into your world today...


  1. Both Christmas & Easter are hard times to imagine that such a beautiful birth would end in such a tragic death ... I always leave church emotional during Easter services. Unimaginable what He has done for us, we the sinners ...

    Have an EGGS-TRA blessed Easter ~
    TTFN ~

  2. I am looking forward to Maundy Thursday. Our Easter sunrise service will be very special!!! (outside and on the lake) :D

  3. Celebrating His resurrection ! How blessed are we who know how blessed we are (())

  4. Dear Sharon, What a wonderful photo and reminder. We are going to a passover seder--our first ever this Thursday. Sadly our church doesn't celebrate Palm Sunday as we did when I was a girl. But we are getting ready for a very special service this Easter. Your photo makes me want to shout!

    PS. I do hope I'll see you for Tuesday Tea if you do a tea post. Thanks for the inspiration..your posts always are that!


  5. Thanks for the challenge you offered at the end-thought provoking indeed. blessings on your Easter weekend, k

  6. Thank you for linking at mistysmornings about Easter. I am a new follower too!

  7. Wishing you a blessed Easter!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!