Saturday 14 May 2011

Today is World Fair Trade Day of HOPE ~

 Today, May 14th, is World Fair Trade Day
a Day of Hope ~

Often referred to as ‘Fair Trade,’ our philosophy of helping to build a sustainable future is based on the principle that trade should have a conscience. Through Fair Trade, artisans receive the respect, dignity and hope that comes from working hard and earning fair value for their work.
- Ten Thousand Villages information

  According to Ten Thousand Villages,
these are the top 10 reasons why you should support Fair Trade:

Fair Trade is trade that people can count on.
Fair Trade is committed to developing long term business partnerships, ensuring a consistent and reliable source of income for artisans and farmers.
  1. Fair Trade empowers women. Fair Trade means that women’s work is properly valued and that they are empowered to take leadership within their organizations.
  2. Fair Trade protects the environment. Fair Trade supports practices that minimize environmental impact by using reclaimed or recycled materials, encouraging organic production and limiting shipment of product by air.
  3. Fair Trade means fair pay and safe working conditions. Fair Trade products are made by adults working in safe and healthy environments where they receive a fair wage and have a voice in how their workplace is run.
  4. Fair Trade connects with other cultures. Fair Trade products reflect and preserve the distinct traditions and cultures of the people who make them.
  5. Fair Trade builds sustainable local economies. Fair Trade gives artisans and farmers control over their future by allowing them to stay in their communities and to build their own businesses.
  6. Fair Trade supports capacity building. Fair Trade provides a means through which to develop independence, improve management skills and increase access to new markets.
  7. Fair Trade supports community development. Fair Trade supports workplace structures where workers invest in better housing, healthcare and education for their communities.
  8. Fair Trade means high quality goods. Trade crafts are often made by hand, allowing artisans to give greater attention to detail and resulting in higher-quality products.
  9. Fair Trade gives you a choice and a voice. Fair Trade allows you to access high quality products while making a conscious decision to support people who produce the things that you buy.
Take the time for educating yourself with Fair Trade stories .
  There are numerous places where you can buy Fair Trade items .  Research your home area for Fair Trade and make some great new shopping discoveries.
  Novica has a huge variety of products for the home, food items and more, and is associated with National Geographic.
Ten Thousand Villages is based in Canada, offering a great selection of Fair Trade items.  Jewellry, musical instruments, glassware, great wood pieces, linens, coffee and more.
PeopleTree has Fair Trade clothing and accessories.
You may be surprised to find Fair Trade items in stores near you—like your local grocery store. Food items are the easiest to find Fair Trade—TransFairUSA has a good list of just some of the many Fair Trade coffee companies to look out for. Their list of cocoa/chocolate products is also good and useful. 
Level Ground Trading (Fair Trade) coffee is another.

  What Fair Trade companies have you discovered?  Please let us know in comments as we develop our own shopping lists of love and support for our worldwide family.  Might we take today's opportunity to position ourselves in support? Conscientiously and intentionally choosing to purchase with their well being in mind.  Thanks for taking your part in this venture of HOPE~


for your weekend blog reading
Amanda's Serenity linkup


  1. Of course I had heard about Fair Trade, but didn't know today was World Fair Trade Day. This is a very informative post. Thank you for sharing it.
    You mentioned in your email your link was not showing up. I hope it is showing up now. It is #34.
    Hope you're having a good World Fair Trade Day.

  2. I never heard of fair trade day. This is really good to know. thanks for posting the reasons why we should support it.

  3. Hi There Sharon, I just wanted to drop by and see how you were. Oh my!! You just surprised me to no end when I saw my recent tea chat photo on your sidebar. How SWEEEeeet of you to do that! You made me smile. :o)

    I finally got a chance to drop by and thank you for your comforting and kind comments about my son Matthew. I just talked to him in Afghanistan. Apparently he does still have acces to a satellite phone.

    He's so lonely and stoic--but miserable that he calls just to talk. The living conditions for the marines where he is are just really tough.

    The Lord is taking care of him though. His grace is sufficient as I know you know very well. :o)

    Love the post topic here! I make so many things and this idea of free trade artisans really inspired me. Some day when I'm not so busy with children, I'll be selling more fabric art..but not right now. :o) There's a season for everything.

    BTW, your blog is just so beautiful..and I didn't have ANY trouble typing a comment. :o) Ha!

    Donna @ Comin' Home

  4. Very informative read! Thanks for taking the time to share. :)

  5. I learned something new and they say a day isn't complete without doing that. :-) I'll be purchasing items more carefully.



Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!