Friday 8 July 2011

{PS} Pink Saturday dreaming...

time for a pause to refresh...
beauty refreshes me.

how about you?
what are some things that refresh, renew
and give life to you?

another is music ~
a music lover of a wide variety
depending on my frame of thought
or what  thoughts i'd like to change...

here's one for this gorgeous summer night
as i write...

blogger won't show the correct video to insert,
so i'm posting the link.
it's beautiful.
 if you take the time, click and refresh "))

books are another ~

one delicious read is Darien Gee's 'friendship bread'.
have you read it ?
here's my take on this tasty treat ~

"Enjoy the romance, the mystery and the menu of
Darien Gee’s ‘Friendship Bread’
as your next delectable summer read.  
It doesn’t disappoint!"

any great summer reads refreshing you ?
i've posted several great free book downloads ,
just scroll down from this post to grab them while they're
still available without cost...

as we've paused to refresh,
i realize i haven't even touched on country drives,
sunrises, sunsets, lightening shows,
the air after rain,
iced tea and gelati...
i'll have to save them for another Pink Saturday!

hoping your weekend is all you hoped for


  1. Oh what a beautiful post, thank you for sharing, and food for thought..I could use a tea party about now!


  2. The first rose bush is dreamy!! Is it growing in your yard? Have a wonderful day.

  3. The flowers are beautiful....Yes, beauty refreshes me and music. They are graces from God.

  4. Music, can anyone be unhappy when they are present?

  5. What pretty images, and inspiring reads! I love pink, so this was a great post for me. :) Thanks for link up (and linking back!) with Weekend Bloggy Reading! :)

  6. Beautiful and peaceful pinks... lovely!

  7. Love the pictures and the quotes:) Thanks for linking up to the NOBH

  8. Mmmmm apart from a good night's sleep, spending quality time with my husband and a good chat with Christian women refreshes me..

  9. Those pink roses are gorgeous. The thing that refreshes me and lifts me up is music - I love Louis Armstrong's songs. Chocolate makes me happy too.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  10. Absolutely gorgeous flowers!!

  11. I like the name of your blog. Your flower photos are gorgeous!! That truly refreshes me. I love flowers.

    Have a glorious day,

  12. Your photos are incredible. I feel more relaxed now just looking at them!

  13. Beautiful pictures and thoughts. Thanks for sharing. Praise and worship refresh me. :-) And floating after swimming laps.
    Hmmm- can't say my reading this week has been 'refreshing'. One fantasy, one suspense, and two somewhat annoying Highland romances (stubborn Scots). Although I am listening to Working It Out which has some refreshing thoughts as the author shares her faith and struggles after tragedy.
    Have a great weekend.

  14. How did you enjoy Friendship Bread? I've seen it around the blogosphere quite a bit, so it has caught my attention.

    Lovely photos of your roses. There isn't a flower that truly compares to it.

    Thanks for stopping by My Bookshelf.

  15. I can smell those lovely roses from here! Beautiful and uplifting post! Thanks for sharing on NOBH! :)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!