Tuesday 5 July 2011

TeaCup Treats or Treasures?...

welcome to another teacup tuesday!

today i'm particularly thinking of the many women
and families who have lost their treats and treasures,
whatever category,
through storms and floods or ?...

is there a way we can offer our care - our cherrytea -
 practically with others someway today ?...

would you join your prayers with mine ?

"ADONAI is near those with broken hearts;
He saves those whose spirit is crushed."
psalm 34.18

if you are in the midst of loss today,
may you be comforted with the reality
of God's heart that is for you
and His hands that are working on your behalf
initiating the help of
 the hands of those around you ~

will you be one who responds to His call?
thank you!

if there is anyone nearby that you are considering
supporting through their distress,
please, just do it~
you may be the saving grace God is desiring to send
their way ...

today, may you go in peace
to love and serve
the Lord!

linking to
Ann's blog A Holy Experience


be sure to check the FREE July
calendars and wallpapers for your pc
in yesterday's July 4th post...


  1. Lovely caring post. So many have suffered loss this year from rough weather. Here in NC many are still rebuilding. There is still need. Thank you.

    Your tea cup is really pretty. The gold foot and handle really setting it off.

  2. This is such a sweet post, and it is very important! I hope and pray many will read it and act on it.

    Ricki Jill

  3. Those were very kind and touching words! Thank you. Your tea cup is one of the prettiest I have ever seen. I am new to all of this tea cup knowledge. I would love to have you stop in!

  4. A heartfelt post with a direction we can all take.
    Nice to join you tea today.

  5. What a lovely post, so touching x

  6. Very nice post. Thanks for linking up to the NOBH!

  7. Beautiful post! We do need to extend ourselves to others that need help - best to start with those nearby and extend if possible - thank you for sharing your inspiring post with A Return to Loveliness,

  8. Thank you for your caring and encouraging words to share the love of Jesus with those experiencing loss. Lovely post.

  9. Hi: Your post touched by heart. I love your tea cups. Blessings, Martha

  10. Beautiful post today....so many people are hurting...very touching sentiment here we can all act upon.
    I LOVE your tea cup...could you share the name and maker of it with us?? I enjoy collecting the very prettiest cups/saucers I can find!
    A new follower.....Francy


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!