Saturday 6 August 2011

from Henri Nouwen ~

Henri Nouwen Society - Daily Meditation
Saturday August 6, 2011 

Being Joyful Witnesses
To speak about Jesus and his divine work of salvation shouldn't be a burden or a heavy obligation.  When we go to people feeling that unless they accept our way of knowing Jesus, they are lost and we are failures, it is hardly possible to be true witnesses.
It is a great joy when people recognise through our witness that Jesus is the divine redeemer who opened for them the way to God.  It is a true cause for gratitude and celebration.  But we should also be able to live joyful and grateful lives when our witness with deeds and words does not lead people to accept Jesus in the way we do.
- Henri J. M. Nouwen
Comment on this Daily Meditation.
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Text excerpts taken from Bread for the Journey, by Henri J.M. Nouwen, ©1997 HarperSanFrancisco. All Scripture from The Jerusalem Bible ©1966, 1967, and 1968 Darton, Longman & Todd and Doubleday & Co. Inc. Psalms from The Psalms, A New Translation ©1963 The Grail (England) published by Collins. Photo by V. Dobson.


  1. Wow, did I ever need to read this today. Thank-you for posting!

  2. Beautiful and true. Thank you for sharing. As christians we need to remember that we may pray for someone for years, not moments, before they come to the feet of God. In the meantime, we might ask for the right words needed to help lead. All the while, like you said, live joyful and grateful lives setting an example for all we know and meet.

    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment and giveaway entry.
    Good Luck.
    Blessings, Celestina Marie

  3. so true. When I tell people about Jesus, it's usually always from a point of praising Him and being grateful for how he's changed my life. Then people want to hear more. I don't have to convert anybody, that is the job of the Holy Spirit. I just have to praise God to all I meet. Now that I am a missionary in the making, it provides the bridge to talk about Jesus. I just tell people my dream of becoming a missionary nurse and the conversation inevitably turns to Jesus. No hard work. Just natural progression of conversation. =]

  4. I like to talk about the Lord as if it's more of a conversion rather than a lecture.

  5. Thank you for this beautiful reminder that all things are in God's time, we are just asked to plant seeds where we can! Thank you for sharing on NOBH!

  6. We are to present Jesus to the world. It is up to the individual how and if they accept it. We need to remember that the Holy Spirit is also involved in conversions.


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