Sunday 21 August 2011

mailbox monday + what am i reading?

Mailbox Monday ...
august's mailbox monday host
a very crammed mailbox this week!
thinking i can't add them all today,
but i'll have a go or at least begin and hope there's something
you'll find for your own reading pleasure...

some fabulous e reads received -
In Leah’s Wake
debut by Terri Giuliano Long
Whirlwind Tour THIS WEEK !!
with .99 purchase price ONLY til friday 26th
*giveaways of signed copies + *amazon gift cards 
Terri's book received the 
Coffee Time Reviewer Recommend award, 
which recognizes outstanding writing style. 
 In Leah’s Wake was also selected as a finalist 
in the Book Bundlz 2011 Book Pick contest! 

Treasure Me 
the paperback version of Treasure Me will be available in several weeks. 
byauthor  Christine Nolfi who has her own fascinating story on site~

Save Your Heart For Me
graciously sent to me 
by Caroline Clemmons
 book excerpt on site for whetting your appetite!

 my postbox was literally jammed with a stash
including these fantastic hard copies ~

                                the entire Auralia’s Thread series 
by Jeffrey Overstreet
available at  Looking Closer 
 chapters for each book in the series 
Auralia's Journal with link to first chapter

plus several more blog wins - 
gratitude to Christine & Pepper of Writer's Alley and Linda Weaver Clarke ...

now as to what am i reading on this monday?
{with HUNDREDS of reading links}

currently, i'm continuing my
indie jane group reading of Sense and Sensibility  
 discussing crazy ?s about this week's chapters 16 - 22 ...
plus ++
 my third Carrie Bebris' 
the 2nd of the mr and mrs darcy mysteries
as part of my S and S commitment for the 2011 Challenge
{see 2011 reading challenge page top right}
and in time for 
Laurel Ann's review wednesday at Austenprose

that's more than i can handle 
but definitely a lovely stack to look forward to!

what's in your mailbox? 
{or library tote} ?
what are your reading options looking like this week?

Girl Reading by Charles Edward Perugini, 1879. 
do you love bookish images?
share yours at Cindy's monday linky ~



  1. Have a wonderful week reading.
    My Monday:

  2. Just hopping through, hope you enjoy your weeks reading.

    Here's my "It's Monday! What are you reading?" post.

  3. Great reads! Hope you enjoy them.

  4. Wow, your mailbox was overflowing! Enjoy your new books!

  5. many thanks for sharing your reading links! looking fwd to checking your lists too ")

  6. Terrific mailbox, enjoy, your reads.

  7. Thanks for stopping by the blog! :)

  8. Looks like you'll be busy for a while. Nice diverse mailbox! Have a wonderful week and enjoy your new books.

  9. Looks like it will be a great reading week! Enjoy!! :)

    Lisa @ Lost in Literature
    My It's Monday:

  10. Your mailbox really delivered the goods this week!!!

  11. The best book I read last week was Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder. Please come see what I finished and what's up next.

  12. Great mailbox. In Leah's Wake sounds interesting. I will have to check it out!

  13. Luv your blog. Would luv to read Suspense and Susceptibility. Wonderful quote in the header.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!