Sunday 28 August 2011

Monday's What am I Reading?

hosted by Sheila at Book Journey

there are 100s of new books and blogs to discover.

i took a few days of last week to enjoy
a Readathon with Amanda On a Book Bender 
i finished about 5 maybe 6 books~
i'm currently 1/2 way through
Mr Darcy's Diary by Amanda Grange

who gives a wonderful inside understanding of Darcy's journey
from initial reactions to romantic responses
regarding Elizabeth Benett of Pride & Prejudice fame ~
no disappointments!

the following are 2 completions in the Readathon ~

i entirely enjoyed Molly's high speed chase through the English countryside
tailed by her scroogish family, reporter Tom
and their adventurous escapades
attempting to capture a new {female!} Robin Hood!

my turn to read Sarah Jio's 'The Violets of March'
definitely worth the wait ~
relationships, mystery, romance, new beginnings ...
no putting this one down!

continuing the reading {chptrs 22>}and discussion of Sense & Sensibility with 

last few days of  the Austenesque Extravaganza
if you're a Jane Austen fan we've had a lot of FuN so far
thanks to Meredith our lovely hostess...

and what might you be reading this week?


  1. Lovely blog decor. Mr. Darcy has made his way on to the likes of another blogger this week I see. lol.
    violets of March pique my interest.
    Happy Reading

  2. Violets of March looks lovely. Thank you for sharing these titles.

    Here's my post for this week: It's Monday! What Are You Reading?! And only two days are left to sign up for the Readerbuzz August Giveaway!

  3. I have been wanting to read Violets of March, it is good to hear it is worth the wait!

  4. These sound like some great books.

    Mine is at

  5. These all look really good!!! Violets of March has caught my eye before, think I will add it to my wish list!!



  6. I agree that Violets of March is a good one! I review a lot of YA last week and I'm reading some nonfiction this week.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I loved the Violets of March.
    2 Kids and Tired Books

  8. Enjoy your books. Even with homework, I did manage to meet last week's reading goals. Please come see what I finished and what I'm reading now.

  9. Molly's Millions looks like a lot of fun and the Violets of March sounds good too. Hmm - maybe if I went back and re-read Pride and Prejudice I might feel like trying some of the "Darcy" books. They just haven't interested me though so far.
    Have a cup of tea for me and have a great week!

  10. Hopping through, enjoy your week ;)

    Here's my "Monday" post.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!