Friday 12 August 2011

Pink Saturday Miracle Makeover ~

** Update to : this blog posting is for a cause.

We have more than 1,000 comments or responses so far!!!!!
We are on pace to reach our 5,000 comments goal!
65 beautiful bloggers, so far, 
have written posts dedicated to the Miracle Makeovertm. 
**Please let all know you can
comment daily**

Your links and comments will continue to generate donations
toward the Miracle Makeover through the 18th.

there will be new content added every 24 hours.
Be sure to do the FACEBOOK comments, likes, and links too.
Thank-you for your goodness...
Together we can create yet another miracle! xo Kelee

this is our opportunity to raise awareness and funds
to provide Miracle Makeovers for kids with cancer.
our comments are the fundraisers.
$1 will be donated on our behalf by Design Gives Back
for each comment we leave at these blogs! ~

              Spiritual Sunday @Spiritual Sundays/Charlotte+Ginger

Here are some details for you:
read these then please ~ 
Start CoMMeNTiNG !! '')
1) Each Comment at any of the host blogs above earn $1
  2) Joining Google Friend Connect 
 We will Donate $1 for each person

 that joins Design Gives Back Google Friend Connect   

                           3) Facebook "Liking"  Design Gives Back/ or Guideposts Facebook earns
 .50 each/ donation from us  
FB comments earn $1
4) Anyone that does a post with something 
     positive, uplifting, spiritual or miraculous
{with a link to the video or embedded video} 
and sends the link to us will earn a $5 donation from us to the charities!!!     
email us the link to your post so it gets counted

Bless you 1,000 Times.....HUGS with Gratitude and Anticipation!
Kelee of Design Gives Back

worth adding a blog post?
i thought so too ~

here's Jessi Colter singing a bluesy version of
His Eye is On the Sparrow
because it is 
and that's our hope & comfort !

please keep commenting as directed above~
EVERY comment counts for Charlie 
{as well as the next Miracle Makeover recipient}

THANK YOU, Design Gives Back Kelee,
for donating on our behalf !
You're a *STAR* !!

may you, dear reader, be as blessed as you bless another today ...
 THANK YOU for being part of the Miracle Makeover !

Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. Love those miracle makeovers!

    Very pretty!

    My Pink Post, have a nice weekend!

  2. I'm glad you're participating in the makeover event. I really like the Eye is on the Sparrow song. I've watched the Miracle Makeover video several times and am always inspired.

  3. Loved your special presentation today for this great CAUSE.

  4. A favorite hymn. We certainly hope that this will be a miracle weekend for Charlie!

  5. What a lovely idea! Best wishes on your fundraiser and thank you for sharing this with the Friday blog hop.

  6. Thanks for the reminder. It is so good to know He is watching over us!

  7. Thank-you for this Great Miracle Makeover Post!
    I so appreciate the video embedding... and all of your kind words!

    OK so you Design Angel Wings will be covered in blue violets...go ahead a take them now.... you earned them. I am grateful you have joined the team of Charlie!

    Hugs & Blessings!


  8. It's a wonderful cause. I hope they raise a ton of $$

  9. My friend, what a challenge of love we are in.

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  10. A Fabulous way to help out a wonderful charity. God bless you!

  11. Love your tea cups! Happy Pink Saturday.

  12. Such a sweet post! Thank you for joining the Miracle Makeover Blog Party. I know God is watching over Charlie; may the blessings keep coming for him and his family.

  13. God Bless you, sweet Charlie,
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  14. This is one of my favorites.

    Thank you for participating in this very special Pink Saturday. I hope your visitors will come over to comment and help us to raise more money for the next Miracle Makeover. The good news is that you can leave a comment each day through the 18th, and each comment earns $1.00. So, please come comment again and again.

  15. It's great to be able to be a part of the Miracle Makeover just by commenting on the blogs participating. It's so easy to help, and I like reading all the posts. Very inspirational. I hope there are many, many comments!

    Thank you for being a blessing!

  16. I love that giveback video isnt it awesome

  17. I don't recall hearing this version of the shelter verse. I love it! And the truth behind the words has stood the test of time. God's still sheltering.

    I'm loving these Charlie posts!

  18. What a good cause. I've been commenting as much as possible.

    Reminder: The linky to my Bunny Hop party is up and running starting every Tuesday night for the Wednesday party.

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Bunny Jean's Decor and More! (my main blog)

  19. This was an amazing weekend for bloggers and for anyone who wants to make a positive change in the world. I'm still trying to read everyone's posts and comment but I'm way behind as I had to work this week. It sounds like it was a massive success!

    Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful post at my Pinning and Singing party. This was a wonderful post!

    I hope you have a beautiful weekend. I'm off to my kid's school carnival for the day!

    Best wishes,


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!