Friday 16 September 2011

Friday ebook Freebies ~

a Great Book Giveaway Announcement
follows below ~
Don't Miss it !!

right now,
ready for some new weekend reads?
here are a few finds for your ereader whether pc or kindle ~
remember, you can download these to your computer
along with the free kindle for pc app available at amazon
but do check they are still kindle 0.00 before clicking download !

Gene Stratton Porter fans will luv all the freebies of her work !
one of my Fave authors ~

last week's prayer freebie is still a freebie
Prayers for Today Sampler: 
A Yearlong Journey of Contemplative Prayer
by Kurt Bjorklund

click this link for CBD free ebooks

now here's a spin on your HaPpY weekend reading ~
the Guardian newspaper
today posted The Coolest  6 week Book GIVEAWAY event...
"The Guardian's great autumnal Book Swap begins this weekend
a chance for writers, readers, publishers 
to indulge in a grand act of recycling by
 taking a favourite book, inserting a tribute to its greatness, 
and leaving it in a public place to be found by someone new
This isn't a club exactly, more a secret society; 
a chance to quietly pass along a book you have loved to a perfect stranger."

here's a link to a free bookplate to insert into the book
 can be downloaded online
readers can then leave the book somewhere it will be picked up by a new owner 
upload the details of where they left it 
at or on Twitter (#guardianbookswap). 
The bookplate sticker asks the finder to upload a picture of the book where they found it, 
and to read it and review it on
 and what 's to keep us  from doing the same wherever we live?
then adding the info at the guardian as above to show the scope
of their innovative book swap idea?!

i don't know about you
but i'm totally up for this! and
look forward to hearing of your participation ~
which book?  and where did you place it?
on a park bench?  in a coffee shop? on a picnic table? a seat at church?
in the cinema? at a concert?
Laura Barton prepares to pass on her book. Photograph: Felix Clay for the Guardian
let's share our books and our love for them.
let's bless another as we've been blessed!

let's share the FuN !
if you're posting your participation leave your link in comments
and Congrats on Sharing your Book Love!

hmmmm now which book to set out for pick up....

more weekend blog reading fun ~
 Weekend Bloggy Reading

and Pink Saturday pleasure at Bev's

always linked at
No Ordinary Blog Hop
you'll be sure to find something that's just your 'cup of tea' !


  1. OHH thanks for sharing going to see if I can download a few on to my Kindle. Thanks for linking up to the NOBH

  2. I have been giving and sharing my books for years! I just wish people will take care of them and share them as well.

  3. My Sweetie took my Kindle to the college ... I think I need to get it back !
    thanks for all the great 411

  4. Thank you!!!! I so love my Kindle. This is wonderful. xoxo Nancy

  5. What a great idea - freebie books! One can but try... I just made a library trip today - 10 books - had to choose all paperbacks because of the weight!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. My sister has a kindle and would love to read a couple of these. Thanks for sharing the links and suggestions!

    I hope you have a great weekend...looks like you'll doing lots of reading!

    Best wishes,

  7. Some great choices of ebooks. Thanks for letting us know.

  8. Thank you for all of these e-book links. I plan to check them out.

  9. I bought a hard copy of My Heart Remembers. I loved that little book! My oldest daughter has a kindle. I am still an old fashioned reader but I do appreciate your cool e book post! Thanks sweet friend. HPS! Anne

  10. Love your photo of old books and roses on Pink Saturday. I am such a lover of books and really am intrigued by your secret book drop off. You have a lovely blog.

  11. Great book photo, love the book sharing idea...I have been doing this for yrs! Fun to leave books for someone else to find~

  12. Thanks for the heads up on the free books for Kindle. Love the book project. Happy PS! Oh, and I love the pink roses and books vignette!

  13. Thanks so much for sharing these with NOBH :)
    Love love love book reviews and good read ideas!
    ~Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!