Saturday 10 September 2011

Friday Five Workspace Creativity from Rev Gal Blog Pals ...

this week's Friday Five posting is from rev kjarla at Rev Gal Blog Pals

she writes,
"I don't know about you, but I am a notoriously messy creative worker.  My workspace at home, and at my office is always littered with books and papers and mail and pens and keys and mugs....and tschotske (momentos, weird things, etc.)   I am looking right now at a pair of dice that someone gave me that have "God" on each side, so that anyway you roll 'em, you end up with God.  Different, right? "  

"So, this Friday Five is all about YOUR tschotske in your workplace.Describe five things in/on your workspace
                   (however you define workspace
) "               

                                                               Bonus points for pictures!

 first, for all my regular readers, you've probably guessed...

2nd ~
a 'can't live without' devotional dayplanner 
{available for shipping cost alone}

major priority ! #3 MUSIC ~

#4?  stuffed everywhere!

 + more...

notecards, notepads, writing pads, pretty stationery ~ PAPER!!

5th is collections of cards, photos, dried flowers {yes i know}, bookmarks & BOOKS!!

find more workspace clutter  creativity =) at


  1. My workplace is my desk where I sit here and either blog or help my kids with their assignments and homework. I seriously need to pretty it up a bit! Your area sounds lovely!

    Best wishes,

  2. Yes, I agree with Natasha...your space sounds lovely and cozy and beautiful!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!