Sunday 27 November 2011

An Advent Reflection – First Sunday: Waiting with the Word

Advent gift for you ¬
left click to enlarge, then right click to save as you choose ~
or to set as your ipad, iphone, or pc background.
be blessed ~


To help you prepare for Christmas, we will be
sending you five weekly meditations for Advent.
se join us in quiet times of reflection.
Waiting with the Word
First Sunday of Advent —November 27
Our waiting is always shaped by alertness to the Word. It is waiting in the knowledge that someone wants to address us. The question is, are we home? Are we at our address, ready to respond to the doorbell? We need to wait together, to keep each other at home spiritually, so that when the Word comes it can become flesh in us. That is why the Book of God is always in the midst of those who gather. We read the Word so that the Word can become flesh and have a whole new life in us.
Finding My Way Home, page 107, © Henri J.M. Nouwen. Published by The Crossroad Publishing Company and reprinted here with publisher's kind permission.

                                                   © Henri Nouwen Society

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing. I was just thinking I needed a new wallpaper calendar for my laptop. Perfect!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!