Friday 30 March 2012

Holy Week Worship for Friday Five 3/30

Holy Week is upon us.

here' today's challenge from my Rev Gal Blog Pal Mary Beth~
Realizing that most of our Rev Gal Blog Pal readers are clergy, 
and that clergy don't necessarily have the opportunity to fully worship 
when responsible for leading (creating, writing, facilitating) worship:

I invite you to share five favourite Holy Week things, 
five things that are truly worshipful for you.  
It may be that it's the way they are done in your congregation 
(or were done in a previous one).  
It may be your personal preparation for certain services or observances.

Breathe.  Be still.  
Look to the week ahead, and Holy Weeks past, 
and imagine the worship.
Bonus: post a piece of music that "is" Holy Week for you.

here are my five ~

1 Definitely Maundy Thursday.
the blessing of leading new believers into the deep truths of 
loving each other
serving each other
in humbling one's self before the other
as Christ led by example.
breaking and serving each other the bread and wine
in Remembrance of Him...

2 Celebration of the Palm Branch Praise Service
the JoY and exuberance 
of welcoming Christ
Hosannas of Gratitude in Thanksgiving for Who He IS ~

3  the depths of Christ's agony on our behalf
His willingness to suffer what we deserved 
in recognition of our sins against God
truly Good this Friday worship ~

4 Easter Eve with the Great Vigil
anticipation ...
all with candles awaiting the Light of the Risen Christ
"we share in the light of Your glory through Your Son,
The Light of the World
inflame us with new hope..."
"For Christ has ransomed us with His blood,
and paid for us the price of Adam's sin to our Eternal Father!"
yes ~ truly a night of Triumphal worship as we welcome the Risen Lord!

5 that Holy Week is just that!
It's more than just an Easter sunday one day event.
It's an entire week of deeply meaningful worship
of Christ and all He IS and has done...

following the spiritual journey of Lent
it is a week of intense awe and wonder of our Great God!
Love and Gratitude openly expressed in Worship
here's an amazing expression of that worship

 join the worship with me ?~

Every Blessing 
on your Worship and Celebration 
of New Life in Christ !

Like Music?
Natasha's SundaySong
has more ~

More Friday Five Favourites with RevGal Blog Pals

_eHope on Twitter


  1. great post, love the pictures, the music and the journey you take us on :-)

  2. beautiful post, words and images and music, and a lovely journey through the week; thanks for playing... peace!

  3. Wonderful thoughts for Holy Week - thank you for sharing them!

  4. I look forward to worship at church each week and especially this Holy Week. One year I was in Jerusalem at Easter and walked The Way of the Cross there, wow, what a blessing to do that.

  5. pleased to have you here and that you shared your thoughts is a gift!
    i'm blessed ! TY! ;)

    to spend this season in Jerusalem would be amazing! glad for your opp to do that Terra!

  6. I look forward to the celebration, the lifting of the spirits on Easter. He is risen indeed!
    Gayle from Behind the Gate

  7. So true. People tend to think of Easter as a one day event. It certainly was not. Thank you for sharing these other special occasions.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!