Tuesday 6 March 2012


Are you STUCK?

I’ve enjoyed the opp to review of Jennie Allen’s
beautifully packaged dvd based 8 week study
of the places we, as women, get stuck
& the God who sets us free...

The package includes the dvd with sessions being under 10 min
study notebook presenting the material for the theme of the week,
allowing for advance prep enabling in depth group interaction~
participants have 4 choices of projects directed at applying
the week’s scripture which provide additional discussion interest
of the project experiences.

An intriguing addition to the package
is the deck of cards.
Intended to ask questions for reflection on the week’s theme
of stuck, broken, mad, sad, discontent, scared, overwhelmed, unstuck,
and to initiate deeper conversation on one’s state of
 growth or current area of being stuck.

Jennie’s underlying principle for STUCK ?
“I believe growing in our perspective of who God is
and what God has for us
changes the way we view our past hurts and current struggles.
Nothing is more powerful than God getting bigger in our lives.
God has the power to heal with a word. 
My goal as you walk through STUCK is that God would get bigger for you,
and {as this occurs},
you would see a new way to do life,
lead by God’s Spirit.”
more resources are available from the online site
including bookmarks, posters, brochure inserts...

If you’re looking for a participatory product that meaningfully moves women
beyond a typical study group,
this just might be worth your second look !

Be Blessed in your journey of a Spirit led life...

This product published by Thomas Nelson and provided without charge
by BookSneeze for review.


  1. Thank you for posting this. I am always looking for the next study and I really appreciate the ones which are directly aimed at struggles women face. This sounds like a very interesting and different approach. I will be checking it out! Thanks for sharing with NOBH! Smiles -

  2. Thanks for the review. I like to see what is available for new studies, and especially love those that really hit at the heart of difficulties in my life.

    Certainly being stuck is something I am too familiar with. I suppose there is a bit of comfort in knowing that there are many other women with a similar issue. :-)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!