Monday 30 April 2012


Welcome to the
Spring Fling Giveaway Hop
May 1st - 7th

joining our host Kathy
at I Am a Reader Not a Writer

Faith Hope & Cherrytea
{#181 of the Hop}
is offering an International opportunity to WIN a softcover copy of
JAMIE CARIE's upcoming July 2012 Release

second novel of three in the
The Forgotten Castles Series

We were left with the dramatic cliff hanger of Lady Alexandria Featherstone's
adventures in the first Forgotten Castles book,
The Guardian Duke

In this Regency-era romantic adventure, 
Gabriel, the Duke of St. Easton, 
is ordered by the King to take guardianship over 
Lady Alexandria Featherstone 
whose parents are presumed dead after failing to return 
from a high profile treasure hunt. 
Alexandria ignores this royal reassignment, 
believing her parents are still alive and duly following clues 
that may lead to their whereabouts. 
Gabriel, pressured by the King,

pursues her across windswept England, the rolling hills of Ireland,
 but is foiled in following her aboard ship
as Alexandria {with an unknown escort} heads for Iceland ...

I was delited with the offer to review book 2 in this series
discovering my anticipation was not to be disappointed !
Alexandria's daring Icelandic adventure compromises her future
while we experience the perilous swashbuckling adventures of  our Duke..
 jeopardizing his life in dangerous high sea manouevers,
stopping at nothing to reach his ward,
Will he be there to rescue Alexandria in time ?...
read more here ~

 Your opportunities to enter?
Mandatory request ~ Follow via GFC and
Networked Blogs if on FB
~ share your worst travel adventure ever in the Comments !
 Lady Featherstone and our grand Duke, have some extreme travel adventures
so you will find you're in good company !
{include your contact, blog link or twitter} ...
I will post the winner's adventure following the Giveaway ending May 8th!

Xtra Entry opp?
comment on another post and tell me which one in a comment here..

Liking author Jamie Carie's FB page

or following her blog is a great connxn  to keep you informed
about publication of Book 3, The Duke's Promise,
of The Forgotten Castles Series and any other new releases!..
We love how excited many of you are for the 2nd book - 'The Forgiven Duke.' We have a deal for you... 
If we get to 1,000 likes by Monday (4/30) then we will put up the first 5 chapters of The Forgiven Duke on this page. Really! Share our page with your friends for free reading!

That's it !
Thank you for participating ! ~

 “Disclosure: I received this product mentioned above gratis from flypropeller in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. The opinion shared is my own given without monetary compensation. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” 

EnJoY your week of Spring FLing Hopping !


  1. My worst travel adventure was as a teenager. My family took a trip to a hotel in the country and it had a rocky start. It only got worse as my parents decided to force me to go to places I didn't want to go to 'keep the family together.' Worst place was the caves where I got sick from my dust allergies after specifically telling them I couldn't go down there because it would make me sick. Also when we went to the beach they dumped all they carried on me so I couldn't go anywhere unless I wanted to log a whole bunch of stuff including bags and a camera. Needless to say I refused to fo on anymore overnight travel outings after that.

    I follow this blog through GFC.

    Contact Info:
    twitter: @queendsheena

  2. Worst travel adventure ever??well....i have none :(:

    Thanks for the international giveaway!!

    I follow you via:
    GFC as- sweety
    Networked Blogs as- Rosemarie Dimitri Belikov

    Contact Info:

  3. o Sheena i am just picturing these - great expectations! never do make for easy relationships !
    TY for sharing. I'm sure you'll luv the travel hardships Alexandria endures as she pursues the clues to find her parents while she's in Iceland !...

  4. When i was newly married, one December, my hubby broke his foot, which put him on crutches and off work. We saw this as a great opportunity that gave us time to take a trip to visit family in Mexico from our home in Canada.
    Unfortunately, our first meal enroute ended up being food poisoning for my husband! Being the sole driver, sick or not, he refused to turn back and determinedly drove on in much discomfort.. We made it across the border into Mexico's desert only to have the car's tire go flat that evening. Not the place to have car trouble! No towns, no traffic, no help in sight! Eventually one car stopped and offered to take the tire for repair. Yes! and they also brought it back once repaired!

    Then it was off to the first city we could reach and into a doctor's office.. Pills? Meds? NO. Not the typical care we'd receive at home! the doctor gave my hubby NEEDLES to inject the prescribed medicine to fight the poisoning! This became part of the daily routine of our vacation when we finally reached our family. One family member was skilled at injections so we could carry on holidaying & enjoy all the reconnecting and activities we'd hoped for! Plus more ~
    my husband was even recruited as auctioneer for a family auction and my sleepiness was soon recognized for the beginnings of my first pregnancy!
    Yes, definitely a worst adventure but with a great conclusion!

  5. Thanks for the giveaway! I follow via GFC - tjmetz and Networked Blogs Jennifer Vice Metz

    My worst travel adventure was when we were moving to Texas from Indiana and our vehicle broke down on the middle of the interstate! It was awful and so freakin hot outside!

  6. My worst adventure occured last summer. My family and I went to stay in a cabin in TN. We planned on biking 15 miles of the Virginia Creeper Trail that weekend. When we got to the cabin, it turned out to be very rustic, old, and dirty. We managed, though. Until the rain came, that is. It rained all weekend. We couldn't ride the trail, so we stayed in and listened to the rain on the tin roof of our cabin. We finally got to ride the trail on the day we left, but it was quite an adventure, and one I hope we will never encounter again. =)
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    I follow via GFC under the name Shelby.
    Check out my blog:

  7. Hi there! Thanks for the visit and also for the heads-up on this contest. I haven't read the first book but it's on my 'to read list'.

    The only thing I can think of is having to sit in an airport for hours on end, because I missed the plane after standing in a looooooong lineup during that SARS scare. Dead tired is all I remember.

  8. Oopsie, forgot the contact info:
    Also left a comment on your free calender post.

  9. Thank you for the giveaway!
    I follow your blog via GFC as Oksana Melnyk.
    Worst travel adventure? Fortunately, apart from slight ones, for example caused by delay of the flight or language misunderstandings with Egyptian taxi driver, I do not have one. Yet:) And I hope all further "adventures" won't be very bad:)
    oloore at gmail dot com

  10. I have been trying hard to remember my worst vacation ever...I guess it would have to be the year we traveled from Michigan to Virginia to visit my grandparents. We stopped at a Mexican restaurant to eat on the way and 5 of us (everyone except the baby who didn't eat the food) got food poisoning. My grandparents only had one bathroom, and managing the ensuing "problems" with 5 very sick people was a challenge to say the least!

  11. Thank you for reading , following , and entering your mis-adventures to win the Spring Fling Giveaway! We're all in the same boat as Lady Alexandria Featherstone in having unsettling moments when we begin adventures...

    The one consolation of travel troubles is that we've all lived to tell!

    I've totally enjoyed reading all the mishaps and diversity ;)



Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!