Tuesday 8 May 2012

ConGratulations! Spring FLing Winner of The Forgiven Duke !

to our Spring Fling Winner

You have won Book 2 in Jamie Carie's series,

The Forgotten Castles,
~ 'The Forgiven Duke' ~

YA reader and reviewer ,
we'll be watching your blog review 
for your perspective on Lady Alexandria Featherstone's adventures!

As promised, 
here's Shelby's mis-adventure entry shared in comments..

Blogger Shelby said...

My worst adventure occured last summer. My family and I went to stay in a cabin in TN. We planned on biking 15 miles of the Virginia Creeper Trail that weekend. When we got to the cabin, it turned out to be very rustic, old, and dirty. We managed, though. Until the rain came, that is. It rained all weekend. We couldn't ride the trail, so we stayed in and listened to the rain on the tin roof of our cabin. We finally got to ride the trail on the day we left, but it was quite an adventure, and one I hope we will never encounter again. =)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow via GFC under the name Shelby.
Check out my blog:

Wishing you ALL THE BEST, SHELBY !

contact me within 48 hours to claim your win

andEnJoy your new Read!


Faith Hope & Cherrytea
follower who shared their travel mis-adventures with us !
Glad we're on this life journey together...

1 comment:

Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!