Thursday 10 May 2012

God With Us in Our Mothering ~ Guest posting Carey Bailey 5/10

God Promises to Walk with Us ! 
~ today's guest post by Carey Bailey

As a little girl, I loved baby dolls. Loved them! I played school, adoption agency, daycare operator and babysitter all day. I felt like I was born to be a mama. Therefore, I was a bit anxious when the ages, 22, 25, 28 and 32 came and went and there were no babies. Have you ever desired something so much and feared never getting it? That was me.

My day finally came at the age of 34. I soon realized that God knew what God was doing when I had to wait. To my shock, it wasn’t as easy as playing with dolls. I was surprised that it wasn’t the dream world I imagined it would be! I felt like life became a gigantic prayer.

“God, HELP me!”

“Please, God. Please, please, please make it all better. I can’t do this!”

“God, this feels impossible. Where are you?”

While I adore motherhood, it is harder and there are more adjustments than I expected. (I am hoping there are some nodding of heads and Amen’s being said out there in cyberworld.) Not only did I have a new life to care for, but my identity suddenly felt all scrambled up. It took me until my son was one to finally feel confident in my new role as a mother, confident that I could drop my child off at preschool without crying, confident that I could go out with the girls’ and the world wouldn’t fall apart, and confident that I could go on a date night and have conversations that didn’t revolve just around our son.

I was feeling settled in my new world and then WHAM! I discovered I was pregnant again. Can I be vulnerable with you? I actually cried when I found out. And they were not tears of joy. I feel awful saying that out loud, and I hope you will give me a moment to explain. It was not that I didn’t want another baby or feel like I couldn’t love a new life, it was just that I got scared. Discovering a little person was on the way sent a panic through me. Would my son still receive the love and attention that he deserved? How was my husband going to feel about my body changing again? Would I ever be able to pursue the vision I felt God had for me in writing and publishing? I was truly wondering if I was going to be able to handle another intense wave of identity crisis like the one I had just been through. I wasn’t sure.

God and I needed a serious talk. And in that conversation God carefully reminded me of this:

“For I know the plans I have for you," 
declares the LORD, 
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

God reminded me in our time together that I, too, 
am God's child and God has every intention of loving me, 
caring for me, and giving me the future that God has planned for me.

As mothers, we can get so caught up in parenting 
that we forget that we, too, have a spiritual parent 
who loves us as a child. 
God loves you as much as God loves the children God has given you. 
God will never forsake you.  
And on those days when motherhood seems 
too overwhelming and too impossible 
I step back and take a deep breath. 
Then I remember that 
this journey I am on, right now, 
is the one God has designed and created uniquely for me. 
I simply need to live in it, learn from it, and allow 
God's love to sweep over and through me.

God will walk with me! God will walk with you! Grab God's hand. 

**Friday 5/11 Freebie~
just caught this one at amazon ~ check that it's free
before downloading if  you need that option..

Welcome to Pearl Girls™ Mother of Pearl Mother's Day blog series - a week long celebration of moms and mothering. Each day will feature a new post by some of today's writer's 
Tricia Goyer, Sheila Walsh, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Bonnie St. John, and more. 
I hope you'll join us each day for another 
unique perspective on Mother's Day.

 ... do enter the contest for a chance to win 
a beautiful hand crafted pearl necklace. 
To enter, just {CLICK THIS LINK
and fill out the short form. 
Contest runs 5/6-5/13 
 the winner will on 5/14.
Contest is open to US and Canadian residents.

If you are unfamiliar with Pearl Girls™, please visit and see what we're all about. In short, we exist to support the work of charities that help women and children in the US and around the globe. Consider purchasing a copy of Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit, Experiencing Grace or one of the Pearl Girls™ products (all GREAT Mother's Day gifts!) to help support Pearl Girls.

And to all you MOMS out there, 
Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Another lovely, well-written post today! Motherhood is a true gift, and a wonderful calling, but is not without its challenges! May God continue to bless you as you grow secure in your abilities and your knowledge of Him.

  2. Beautiful post...

    Mother's Day is so bittersweet. I always think of those who long to be moms and for His reasons, He has closed their wombs or has said, "Wait.."


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!