Saturday 19 May 2012

Gratitude ~ Access to Worship !

Beginning our new week with Worship ...

provides our access ~

 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and a thank offering 
and into His courts with praise! 
Be thankful and say so to Him, 
bless and affectionately praise His name!
For the Lord is good; His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting, His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations.
Psalm 100.4-5

What are the benefits in your life right now?
Take time today to recount and recover your heart
in the Spirit of GRATITUDE ~

What Goodness, Mercies, Loving Kindnesses
are you experiencing today?  this week?  this month?
Journal them.
Let them be permanent markers on your Faith Journey
with the God Who Loves YOU!
Who smiles on You !
Who makes His face Shine upon you
and Gives you Peace!

For the LORD IS GooD !
Taste and See
for yourself...

Check it out.
Meditate on Gratitude
and God's GOODNESS will increase in your eyes ~
God will send forth His LIGHT & His TRUTH
and lead you to More understanding
of God's Reality in your life...

Your Faith and Trust 
will Grow
 be Strengthened and Established..

and that 
overcomes dissatisfaction ~
the thief that robs 
relational JOY 
with the God Who is GOOD!

GO for It !
God is Worth It!
and God's GLORY in your Life
depends upon it !

'If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation,
you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude,
a feeling that nurtures the soul."
~ Rabbi Harold Kushner

Your own Gratitude booklet FREE download from Ann Voskamp
May's Gratitude Gift Calendar FREE Download ~ Blessings...


  1. Hear it on Sunday, use it on Monday.
    Wonderful little saying.
    Tomorrow after church, between services, my church's bookstore is selling my new book, which is fun and I hope the book will bless a lot of folks.
    Happy Sunday and week.

  2. I loved this one! The "Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday" phrase should be printed on the church bulletins!

  3. gratitude I think...makes everything feel so much better. Saying thank you is the best. Wishing you an awesome day

  4. glad thanks
    for the beautiful share
    of this tall glass
    of inspire!

  5. I hope I never cease to be grateful for all the gifts God has given me. The quote by Rabbi Kushner was especially meaningful to me today.

  6. I truly DO try to express and exhibit gratitude. If not, someone needs to tap my shoulder very hard and remind me where I came from and where I would be now, if He hadn't broken into my life and turned it around. YEP! Almost always filled with gratitude.

  7. Gratitude for what our Lord provides, like obedience, is a form of worship.

  8. enjoying the difference choosing gratitude makes... thanks for sharing your chat with us!

  9. A thankful heart is a happy heart indeed!
    THANK YOU for linking this to Heart & Home.
    Have a very blessed week..Trish

  10. Welcome to SDG!! Yours is the first blog I read today so I think I will structure my quiet time around gratitude this morning. Thank you for your encouragement! Let me know if you are interested in a an SDG small group!

  11. Such a pleasant feel to your blog...and you started this post with a verse I memorized as a new Christian-Psalm really is rich with meaning. Thanks for sharing these thoughts and photos and verses. And thanks for linking up to B&BB on Bible Love Notes. May you be blessed!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!