Thursday 17 May 2012

ThoughtFull Thursday ~ Kindness ~ RAK for Writers 5/17 ~

Kindness is POWERFUL. 

Even the smallest gesture 
can fuel a person and keep them going.

All over the blogosphere today, you'll see
Random Acts of Kindness toward Writers.
 These are by people who want to share their appreciation
 for those who have helped or supported them
 at some point along the Writing Path.We all share a passion for the written word. 
Today, let's celebrate those who write!

How many of these people do YOU rely on?  
  • Critique Partners, who spend hours showing us how to make our work gleam
  • Writing Groups, who cheers us on 
  • Writing Friends, who listen, support & and be our rock when we have doubts
  • Authors and Illustrators, who inspire us through their books and art
  • Book bloggers & Librarians, who open our minds to incredible books we might not have otherwise read
  • Blog Visitors & Readers, who spend time with us, sharing their thoughts, ideas and opinions
  • Industry Professionals (Agents, Editors, Copy editors, etc.)  who help us to improve our writing and succeed

help us celebrate WRITERS! 

WHY?  we believe that the writing community 
is the best of the best. 
Filled with people who support and educate,
 we all learn and grow together. 

Many people are involved with the Writing Community,
 but at its heart are WRITERS.

We love you guys, and wanted to celebrate YOU!
And what better way to do that than through a 

Random Act of Kindness Blitz?

Is there someone special you would like to acknowledge this week? 

Use any platform--blog, Facebook, Twitter or email--
and offer a kind word or gesture. 
The very best part of kindness is that it is contagious. :)

grab the button image above and award
a writer that's influenced you!
your opp to bless ~ GO!

joining The Bookshelf Muse CELEBRATING Writers!
{Daily Giveaways too} ! ~ 

and if you'd appreciate help with your own writing,
join Kristen Lamb's #myWANA community for writers and bloggers
her best-selling books
 We Are Not Alone–The Writer’s Guide to Social Media 
and Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer 
both teach how to make building your author platform FUN. 
Build a platform and still have time left to write great books!
How great is that?!

MORE ThoughtFull Thursday Posts
with Michelle at Intentional Me


  1. Yay for celebrating writers! Also, your blog is lovely. I love the teacups. :)

    Happy RAOK week!

  2. Thanks for spreading the word! I love how this event is growing and growing! :)

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  3. TY Miriam ! Welcome .. love to celebrate you & all you bring to our lives.. TY!

  4. tweeted and fb'd as well !
    glad to get out the word!
    TY for the gifts offered - so helpful

  5. What a great idea! I would love to acknowledge all the bloggers who are so faithful on a daily basis to bring fun, laughter, education, inspiration to all of us!

  6. yes! Linda .. absolutely!
    i'm adding the rak button as my TY to writers of all influence to me on fb..


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!