Monday 21 May 2012

Victoria Day Long Weekend Reading May 2012

Only just discovering a particular book challenge was on
at this time again this year ~
definitely tried joining !
{ my way to motivate Moi ! } ~

unfortunately, not allowed to enter
soooo ~
going it on my own !

Queen Victoria's Birthday
 Long Weekend !!

too Great a Weekend to miss out
when it's umbrella weather outside and
my teapot is at hand with delish flavoured tea leaves awaiting ...

posting updates here... as below ~

my goals?  4-5 books
{since i'm only operating now with 1/2 my vision!} 
and b/c i'm starting my challenge later on Saturday..

books i'd like to read?

Hiddenness and Manifestation ~ Graham Cooke
Done! this week May 16

The Language of Promise ~ Graham Cooke

currently pg 57 now Done! 10.30 pm

The Nature of God ~ Graham Cooke
YaY Done!
now onto the great interactions included in the book ...
Reading + Writing Learning !

Pilgrim's Process ~ Brian West

currently 2/3 thru now pg 123
Done !

for when eyes are too tired to carry on we listen !
1st cd Done and Delited !
looking forward to learning more ~
Really EnJoying all the Learning at hand plus
intentionally MAKING time to Grab it !!

Hoping to add something FuN to this.. will check my kindle lists..
OK - I'm thinking because
I'm joining Sheila at The Book Journey's
May Read a Long of The Secret Garden
I probably will add that via kindle read..

you're always invited to join me !!
let me know... when and where ~


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Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!