Sunday 19 August 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 8/20 Austenesque pour Moi!

Another Monday
What Am I Reading?
you ask..
{well if not you, then at least Sheila at Book Journey is !}

Being well into Austen in August celebrated at 2 blogs,
I've been having a great time checking into Austenesque books
from various readers I've collected over the past year.
Some from blog Giveaway winnings,
some from the library, kindle offers, and others from charity shops..

Today's current read is a winning from the author ~
Jane and The Canterbury Tale
{updated with review 8/25}

I am sooo attracted to the book by this Gorgeous cover!
Having read others by Stephanie,
 I also know the writing and plot will be excellent!

Ready to read the first chapter!?

I have listed several more JA reviews of my reads at Goodreads
for these Austen in August Reading Challenges.
If you're interested in more options try ~

Diane Moody's 'Tea With Emma' novella
Jane Austen's 'Persuasion' novel and Penguin Readers Audio
Victoria Connelly's 'Mr Darcy Forever'
Christina Dudley's 'The Beresfords'

and as MUCH HaPpY Reading 
as you can devour !

*More Austen in August reviews linked at


Join us Wednesday at Cym's


  1. Thanks for the introduction to so many good books.

  2. thanks for your visit, Mystica!
    HapPy Reading :)..

  3. Enjoy your books! I had a fantastic week of reading so it's really difficult to pick a favorite book. I'm going to have go with a fan girl response and say the best (out of an extremely good set of books) was The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There by Catherynne M. Valente. Please come and see what else I'm reading.

  4. Look at all that Austen goodness! Fantastic :)

    Have a great week of reading!

  5. I see you're a Jane Austen fan. You're right, the cover of your book is gorgeous. I like Austen re-tellings but they are hit and miss with me. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  6. I have only recently got into Jane Austen. I haven't read many current novels though I did enjoy The Jane Austen Marriage Manual.

    Here's my Monday

  7. Thanks for the ideas!
    Happy Reading!

  8. What a lovely blog you have here! I wish I had known about your Austen in August - I would have been tempted to join in! Happy Reading!!

  9. Jane and the Canterbury Tale looks interesting. What a cool combination of much loved characters!

  10. looks like I have some new books to add to my list xo


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!