Monday 29 October 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 10/29

I've been delited with an amazing book stash received
in my Mailbox for this week ~
See if there's anything to whet your reading appetite here
then be sure to check out  my Book Giveaway
ending today {Monday 29th October}

Personally signed by author Lori Smith 
Definitely looking forward to this 2nd JA book by Lori ~ Thankyou!

Next was an October Birthday win for me
sent & signed by author Mary Manners~
4 book treat that arrived this week ~ Thankyou!

 Another win, these two from Girls Just Reading
during the recent Blogfest 2012 ~ Thankyou Jenn!

 And a final book win by author Wendi Sotis' 
new directions for Darcy & Elizabeth of Jane Austen fame..

I also had the pleasure of receiving another author's package
arriving this week.  Author Amanda Flower's Amish quilt pocket!
Gorgeous handquilted work which I LuV !
Thank you, Amanda!

That's it for me for this Monday ~
and what might you be reading 
on this final Monday of October?

Find more Monday reads at Sheila's Book Journey 
and if you're a Jane Austen fan there's a vintagey copy 
on offer HERE til end of Monday... 10/29

 Book Readers?  heads up on your opp to Win ~
A Kindle Fire HD ... Seriously !

Christian Fiction Book Reviews
introduces us to 'Unseen' ~
"Hileman is a marvelous storyteller with a perspective
unlike any other author I've come across... 
Every life is precious. 
If you don't know that now, you will after reading this book."
Accepting entries til end of 10/31 !
Have a look at the link above for all info...

More Upcoming ~

Book Swap Blog Hop

Nov 1st - 7th !
Interested in swapping your xtras ?
Join us ...


  1. You have had a very lucky month!

    Hope you enjoy them all

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. Wow! That is a great stash of books! (I love Jane Austin too!)But have the chance to win yet another book at my GIVE-A-WAY! I'm offering my latest release, The Faith of St. Nick: An Advent Devotional! Please stop by and enter!

  3. Looks like you got some great books this week! I haven't read anything by Sarah Jio yet, but have 2 of her books on my tbr list.

    Have a great week!
    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  4. Looks like you had a fantastic month :-) Hope you enjoy all the books you received.

    Tanya Patrice

  5. Congrats on all your wins!!! Enjoy!!

  6. I've heard great things about Blackberry Winter, I hope you enjoy it!

    What a lucky girl you are, great prizes!

    Have a wonderful week of reading!

  7. Great looking books have found their way to your house. I will be reading Blackberry Winter soon!

  8. Thx for taking time for sharing my JoY & Luv of reading!
    EnJoy your reading timeouts with some great books this week...!

  9. What a great the pocket quilts.

    I always miss the giveaways. Darn.

    ENJOY ALL your reads...they look great.

    NEW FOLLOWER...beautiful blog. Is there a way to follow by e-mail? Please e-mail me if I can do that.
    silversolara AT gmail DOT com


    My mailbox link is below.

    Silver's Reviews

  10. There's an email signup on the R sidebar [just below the twitter follow teacup/teapot]
    TY for your interest & your presence with us on the journey, Elizabeth :)



Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!