Sunday 28 April 2013

It's Monday! What Books Am I Reading? 4.29.13

Have all the readers survived this 24 hrDewey Read a THon ?
I made it through 21 1/2 hrs, then had to crash or suffer Sunday!

Amazed at all the mini challenges that took my interest and time!
I was having so much fun with them, my reading was waiting 
for my attention.  Which I eventually chose to focus on 
[until the next hour's challenge!]

Ahhh well.  Definitely a FuN day!

So now It's Monday! again and What Am I Reading?

I've begun Maureen Lang's 
On Sparrow Hill 
{sequel to The Oak Leaves}

Here's the plot ~
Rebecca Seabrooke is a commercial manager for Quentin Hollinworth's family manor and is focused on two things: running the best historical home in the country and forgetting about the childhood crush she's had on Quentin ever since her father worked as the valet for his family. They don't, after all, run in the same social circles! When Quentin's distant cousin Dana Martin Walker comes to visit the Hollinworth estate, Rebecca realizes she must confront some of her preconceived ideas about herself . . . and about Quentin. Dana wants to learn more about her ancestors--especially about Berrie Hamilton, who in 1852 decided to open a school for the mentally challenged. 
Maureen Lang is a seasoned, well respected author, quite capable of #2 in  this series.
Going by the solid 4+5* reviews,
 it seems I'm in for some excellent reading this week! 

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I also want to let you know about the opportunity  I found
for free books and audios from TYndale Publishers
who award points for brief feedback on reading and book products.
No cost.  No time commitment.  Just Free rewards!
I'm loving it!  Enough EZ points in 10 minutes for a Freebie!
Here's the link to 25 points  just for linking up.
EnJoy!  and tell us which Freebies you choose !

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As to my books read during the Read a Thon, I completed 
the long read while I was fresh during daytime

then a digital read on my laptop
and finally a kindle read - great for tired eyes and scrunching up 
all comfy in my big reading chair with good lighting!

That , my friends, rounds out What I Am Reading!
Some fun posts for mini challenges like Book Appetit,
{ if you have time to adventure further than this post}....
Now, how about you?
Care to share?

Find More at Book Journey ~

Armchair BEA topics have been announced!


  1. The mini challenges are so much fun but yeah... they can take a lot of time ;)

  2. I love a good read and am always interested in adding to my reading list. I like visiting and reading about your book reviews. Have a terrific week.

  3. I've been seeing this 24 hr Dewey Read a Thon on a lot of blogs. I'll have to check this out for next year. Have a great reading week ahead!

  4. Lots of great reading and congrats on making it through 21 1/2 hours of the readathon, I crashed after 13 hours! Happy reading this week!

    What I've Been Reading!

  5. Great job reading for 21.5 hours...I don't know that I could stay up that long!

    I have Blackberry Winter on my tbr list...and just picked up another of her books, The Violets of March, this past weekend as an e-deal.

    Have a great week!
    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  6. I have always wanted to read Blackberry Winter, I can't believe I haven't yet! Lol.

    I will have to check the Tyndale thing out, that sounds interesting!

  7. I'm glad to hear the read-a-thon turned out to be a success for you! I hope you enjoy your reads for the upcoming week :-)

  8. Nice post and good information. I belong to a Book Club up here in Idaho City. I listen to a lot of audio books, but I have about 3 digital books and 1 hardcover going. Until a book grabs me, I often skip around to keep my focus.

    I also joined Goodreads which has been a great way to chart my progress, give and receive feedback.

    Idaho City

  9. Thank you so much for joining in with the Say G'Day Saturday Linky Party. I have shared this post on Pinterest.

    Hope you can link up again this weekend!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!