Friday 31 May 2013

Armchair BEA Day 4 Discussion: Non Fiction Books

Today at  Armchair BEA our Genre topic is NonFiction
Non-fiction books are a very broad category, ranging from autobiographies and biographies to historical figures or events to even travel books. 
It is really hard to narrow down the possibilities for this 
quick introduction to the genre!

For me, nonfiction is my preferred reading and writing genre.
Reading that feeds both mind and spirit .  I can definitely agree with the problem of narrowing down possibilities!  From cookbooks to photography there are a LOT of choices, so it's not likely any reader hasn't ventured into this genre.
I've recently posted several nonfiction reviews of books I really enjoyed and would recommend.  You'll find their links under the book reviews page tab under the blog header above and many more on my Goodreads shelves.
Dr Elizabeth Canham's Finding Your Voice in the Psalms 
is conversational and so practical in etting the most from reading               
and enjoying the Psalms.  Many people turn to the Psalms as comfort 
or companion and this book adds to that valuing in our daily life .
 * * *
 Canadian author, Murray Pura, writes amazing fiction [Ashton Park series] and has just impacted readers with an outdoor, outback book that blew me away.  Majestic and Wild tells of spellbinding beauty and ravaging beasts - all part of life in the wilds.  Life the author has lived.
* * *
Author Lori Smith has written two nonfiction books on Jane Austen                
that I've particularly appreciated.  In her first, Lori spent time in
England walking the places of Jane's life.  She shares the impact in
A Walk With Jane Austen: A Journey into Adventure, Love and Faith.   As a reader I gained info about Jane's life and locations plus her own realizations on a personal note. "With humour and spirit, Lori leads readers through landscapes Jane knew and loved –from Bath and Lyme, London and the Hampshire countryside through emotional landscapes in which grace and hope take the place of stagnation and despair.  Along the way, Lori explores the small things, both meanness and goodness in relationships, to discover what Austen herself knew: the worth of an ordinary life."
    Lori's second book, The Jane Austen Guide to Life Thoughtful                          Lessons for the Modern Woman offers advice gleaned from the pages of Jane's novels that readily applies to our lives today.  I have enjoyed discovering the insights and applications Lori has provided.  Definitely a practical nonfiction read.
Then there's always the fun of discovering new cookbooks, travel books,                
 and for me, a new book on the contemplative lifestyle.  Christine Valters      
Paintner's new release [amongst many] Eyes of the Heart: 
Photography as a Christian Contemplative Practice 
I learnt so much.  How we frame our photos applied to framing life - where
we choose to focus , what we leave in the frame , what we disregard, what
we cut out... All excellent and beneficial in framing our own life. 
~~~~~~~~ * ~~~~~~~
Other non fiction books I've read and loved? 
AJ Cronin's Adventures in Two Worlds

Based on this autobiographical book, the BBC ran an ongoing series, Dr. Finlay. 
Amazing man. Amazing human interest stories from Scotland, Wales, London, Europe.
...elegant and descriptive writing. From the male perspective which I tend to appreciate when relationships are part of the story...

John O'Donohue's Beauty : The Invisible Embrace

The Celtic Imagination had a profound sense of how a blessing could awaken and evoke the deepest potential of a situation. The Celts understood that all beginning risks the unknown; a blessing was intended to be a shelter of light around the pilgrim and the place. A blessing brightens the road; the heart is no longer completely vulnerable to the dark. The journey can lead anywhere ...
* John O'Donohue

And then the one I picked up this very afternoon ...
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home

by Rhoda Janzen
Timing couldn't have been better - it seemed the perfect charity shop find for today's topic !  and a great addition to my memoir collection and a new read for a rainy weekend!

~~~~~ * ~~~~~
[I do apologize for the crazy jumping the post seems to do once I hit publish.  It's not lookiing like what I've carefully arranged pre-posting!]
So there are a few recent nonfiction reads here at FHC that I value for their positive impact.  A point that I find crucial to my reading choices.  
Are they going to benefit or harm my thoughts?  
My thoughts affect how I see life and how I live life.  And I want that to be a benefit all around...
Thanks for stopping in today!  Enjoy your weekend and don't forget your opps to enter the giveaway open til end of Sunday the 2nd.


  1. I never thought about photography books...I wouldn't mind looking at those.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. I don't usually enjoy memoirs (I have only read a few though so maybe I just haven't found any that I really enjoy) but Mennonite in a Little Black Dress looks like a very good read and sounds like something that I would enjoy!


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!