Friday 3 May 2013

Friday 5: Creative Play Time!

May Play !

Rev Gal Pat Raube has set our play for this Friday Five as follows: 
It's May! And it smells so good outside.
I can close my eyes and remember the golden hours after dinner
as the days grew later and later, and we got to play outside until called home.
It makes me want to go outside right now and play!

Of course, not all of us are in the northern hemisphere...
plenty of RevGals and Pals are experiencing a season that is turning cold and blustery.

So to all of you, wherever you may be,
how will you (or would you like to) play this month?

1. Tell about your favourite outdoor play

Playing outdoors for me it's either bbq with family
or with a great book on a balmy sun-filled beach

Books + Beauty!

2. Tell about your favourite indoor play
Ahhh - creating and books it is!

Latest creations looking like these and in colours of your choice
[contact me if interested]
and for book play?
Ignore the housework; get lost playing in another time and place.
If friends are available, then it's out to find some new nook
for a wee 'spot o' tae'...

3. Tell about a game you (or your friends) created

Finding a 'new to us' cozy corner for our next lunch out

is all that's coming to mind
[probably being up before I'm really up!]

4. Tell about a game that is new to you

Intentionally viewing my landscape for its spiritual import.
Then photographing to record what I've received.
Practicing a way of seeing with the eyes of my heart...

5. Tell how you would like to incorporate play into your workday

I would like to begin combining 
beautiful backgrounds with scripture for using online.
Which could be printed as well, I'm sure.

Thanks for the Friday FuN , Rev Pat!

That's it! Tell us if you've played this game in the comments. 


  1. Finding a new "lunch corner" is a perfect way to play.

  2. Love all the creative play! When I hear play, I tend to think in physical activity terms. I need to broaden my definition!

  3. You helped me to think of playing this FF by writing that you like to read outside! Plus, you opened me to a new way of thinking--about finding a new lunch corner. Thank you for the inspiration.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!