Sunday 12 May 2013

It's Monday! What Am I Reading? + Bout of Books BEGINS ...

A good reading week completed and
another great week of reading just ahead
with the Bout of Books weeklong Read a Thon
starting at midnite tonite, right through next Sunday !
click button to find more info
Bout of Books

 if you'd like to join in ...

I completed the fabulous Ashton Park
{click to read my Goodreads review} 

a Downtown Abbey-like epic that covers 6 years of snapshots of 
life in The Danforths of Lancashire Book 1
by Canadian author Murray Pura

Just ahead is Book 2, Beneath the Dover Sky, releasing July 2013
Can.Not.Wait !!

Attended the Release Party for Rosings
{click to read review}
by Uk friend, Karen Aminadra, who makes these sequels FuN!

Also completed a retelling of Martha & Mary's brother, 
Lazarus', story by Frank Viola in 

Beautiful insights into making your own life space
{click for review}

I read and reviewed Christine Valters Paintner's
fantastic new release Eyes of the Heart Photography book
{click to link review}

Historical coming of age and romance,
I completed reading but haven't and have now reviewed both as above...
[ click title links ]- Both great reads!

Now it's all systems GO for a week long Read a Thon!
My participation post is HERE where I will keep daily updates
and tweets will be #boutofbooks if you'd like to join or
follow our chat and parties, etc.

A no pressure kind of reading week with your own reading hopes
as inspy to read MORE than usual...

Thanks for visiting; have a Fantastic Reading Week!

ps - HapPy MoM's Day wishes HERE just for you!!

Find more Books to Read at Sheila's BOOK Journey
weekly linkup

Coming Up this Week Friday thru Sunday 19th
author Lisa T Bergren's Amazing Scavenger Hunt
with 32 author stops, prizes, new book discoveries
and a Loaded iPad Mini !


  1. Looks like you've had a great group of books recently. I hope your readathon books are as good! Enjoy your week, and good luck!

  2. Good luck with the readathon - I wish I could devote some time to one!

    Have a great reading week

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  3. Rosings sounds great. Love the cover of that one. Enjoy!

    Here's what I'm reading this week.

  4. Oh, such a great reading list! I took note of several of these titles, especially the Pura books. Have a great reading week and I hope you accomplish a lot with your read-a-thon!

  5. Enjoy your read a thon.

  6. Thank you for the book recommendations! I am needing something new to read...

    Gracious Hospitality

  7. I like the cover of The Noble Groom. The series tempts me a bit. Have a great week.

  8. Hope you enjoy the Bout of Books. I'm visiting from It's Monday linkup but I'm doing the Bout of Books as well. Here are my Bout of Books Read-a-thon Goals and updates if you'd like to stop by.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!