Saturday 18 May 2013

Prayer: Finding Your Voice in the Psalms ~ Elizabeth j Canham Author

Preparing my reading for Sunday,
final day of the Bout of Books Read-a-Thon.
I have entirely enjoyed the motivation to choose reading
over lesser activities when I had the choice
and the outcome has proven itself
in this being my 10th book in 6 days
[plus having reviewed most as well as having read!]

Here's my first book choice for today ~

Finding Your VOice in the Psalms:
An Invitation to Honest Prayer
- by Elizabeth J Canham author
Released April 1st 2013 
Published by Upper Room Books who introduce us to the book:

"Discover the beauty and power of the Psalms as you 

* hear God's word in stillness and silence 

* find stability in God's faithfulness 

* deal with disappointment, anger, and pain 
* rest in God's grace 
* celebrate creation 
* discover the holy in the ordinary 
* experience joy and learn to praise God"

Canham describes her reason for writing this book:
"I want to share my delight in the Psalms and offer models for praying with them.
I write for all the heart-hungry people of God
who must live and pray in the midst of very busy lives."
From the Goodreads intro,
"This book will help readers bring all of their emotions to God, 
including joy, anger, desperation, and yearning for God. 
A Leader's Guide is included."

Sounds like a great read to share with FHC blog readers.
I'll be back to add my thoughts once I've completed it.
Here they are...

I loved this book by Dr Canham.  Personable and practical.
It makes the Psalms available and applicable ...

The Psalms are ancient Hebrew prayers addressing our
experiences in life even today.
Heartfelt responses of joy, sorrow, lament, praise,
they encourage free expression by example set.
Music, dance, movement, all are part of worshipping God.
In reading another's open heart toward God,
we discover God's open heart is turned toward us.

Dr. Canham models praying with the Psalms
 including the silent pause that begins the reading
and ends each line,
making room for hearing the Voice of Holy Spirit
and dwelling in God's nurturing Presence.
Moving from our own voice - allowing for God's transformative work.

Lectio Divina is beautifully outlined and explained
for readers instruction and use.
A process for creating our own Psalm in response to our life's
hope, joy, need, gratitude, desire, loss, injustice, grief...
 either individually or in a group, is also described.

Written with insights gained whilst living
 in a Benedictine monastery,
accessible writing style for instruction and understanding,
it is an invitation to intentional living in awareness, present to God.
Moving counter-culturally from constant restless 'doing' to rest -
to 'being' - still -  living at rest.
Ps 116.7  'Return, O my soul, to your rest'
the place of restoration - the still waters and pastures where
'He restores my soul' Psalm 23.3

'Finding Your Voice in the Psalms: An Invitation to Honest Prayer'
is an invitation worth accepting.
Highly recommended!

*Thank you to Upper Room Books for the opportunity to read and review
'Finding Your Voice in the Psalms' without obligation.

Bout of Books


  1. This sounds like a great book. The Psalms are always full of new thoughts. Also love your quote by Chesterton in your header. I quoted him today in my blog post so it struck me :) I was your neighbor at Spiritual Sundays & am glad that I was :)

  2. Last comment was by Joanne Viola. Forgot to sign my son out. Sorry!!

  3. Blessings, Joanne, ty for stopping by and encouraging.
    Couldn't find your posts at the link via your name - are you posting elsewhere?


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!