Friday 10 May 2013

Queen for a Day? Friday 5s

Today's Friday 5 courtesy of Rev Gals ~

Hey there gals and pals!  Happy Friday Five....
 although I don't have a theme for this Friday,
I do have five questions for you to ponder upon:

1.  If you could hear what someone is thinking for a day,
who would you choose, and why?

I would choose God
because I think it would really put life into proper perspective.

2.  If you were trapped in a tv show for a month, 
which show would you choose, and why?

Doc Martin!  a dream come true...
It's filmed in Devon Uk, need I say more?

 intriguing characters like the Doc and Louisa,
all the charm of a seaside village + the beauty...

3.  If you could do any job in the world for a day, what would it be?

Good question.. hmmm  

~  Queen for a Day!  ~ 

4.  What are you loving right now? 

I'm loving living intentionally aware of what surrounds me.

Like this wee flower garden of the church on my daily route
and its inspiriting signs of Spring...

It seems Spring may actually be here?

Have had a few warm days with abundant sun
and freedom to spend on being outdoors!

5.  Use these words in a sentence:   
bless, cheeseburger, chihuahua, skipping, Georgia. 

Dear God, I ask You to bless my cheeseburger for lunch,
that Your will be done regarding Georgia
Your protection over the children out skipping in the schoolyards,
 and those taking care of their chihuahua pets.

Have fun, and let us know that you played in the comments!


  1. I love that--QUEEN for a DAY!! Thanks for playing, and for sharing the photo of the harbinger of spring.
    blessings to you~~

  2. Queen for a Day...yep...I'm all over that!!

  3. oh, queen! I love it.

    May spring spring!

  4. Love the little sign of spring. Thanks.

  5. Love the little sign of spring. Thanks.

  6. j' adore les Cheeseburgers
    et tous les petits chiens tel que
    les Chihuahua
    que tous les enfants puissent
    sauter de joie et à la corde
    dans les écoles
    tout cela avec la bénédiction
    de dieu
    sans oublier les chats
    bonne journée AMEN
    edith (iris) France


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!