Saturday 1 June 2013

1000 Gifts: Counting Gratitude for June

 June's Gratitude List
Providing suggestions to look daily for 3 gifts 
for which we're grateful ...
3 gifts per day = 1000 gifts per year 
{More info at author Ann Voskamp - blog or FB}
Ready for June's ?
1- 3 gifts orange? cantaloupe, carrots, apricots
2- 3 gifts funny?
me being up this late to write posts! friend FB comments!
what some peeps do to get attention =)
3- 3 gifts from today's conversations?
laughter, imagination, creativity
4- 3 gifts found in Christ?
baby grandson born today! son & daughter in law
all found in the body of Christ
5- a gift of Peace, of Hope, of Love?
My Peace I leave with you... -Yeshua/Jesus John 14.27
God, the source of Hope ... Romans 15.13
experience for yourselves the Love of Christ... Ephesians 3.19
6- 3 gifts 'ugly' beautiful?
rusty vintage wrought iron fencing, new growth from winter's leftovers, compost and its outcome
7- 3 gifts in what you are reading?
joy, adventure, introduction to new places
8- 3 gifts empty?
kitchen sink, laundry basket, dishes after supper
9- 3 gifts that made you really smile?
tweets, authors pleased with my reviews, IM from a friend on FB
10-  a gift at 8, at 12, at 2 ?
waking to sunshine, delish lunch, 50% off books at the charity shop!
11- 3 gifts painted?
book mark, shabby chic wood tray, book cupboard
12- 3 gifts full?
my heart, my bookshelves!, my cup of tea...
13- 3 gifts smelled?
Luscious Lilacs !   Cherry Danish  and  Morning Chai...  
14 - A gift unexpected, unwanted, unlikely ?
a scanner/copier, wind, drop in gas price
15- 3 gifts in His Word?
guidance, counsel, comfort
16- 3 gifts moving?
sun, shadow, clouds
17- 3 gifts found in my Dad?
wisdom, contentment, laughter
18- 3 gifts from my heavenly Father?
welcome, love, shelter [Psalm 91] click to link directly
19- 3 gifts you became today in serving?
kinder, compassionate, giving
20- a gift bent, beautiful, loved?
book page corners, new life, grandbaby
21- 3 gifts found in light?
truth, vision, revelation
22- 3 gifts that are difficult?
going to meet my grandbaby knowing I must return the 1400 miles home,
having the joy of going yet having to arrange departure,
spending time together, yet not knowing when we will have that opportunity again..
23- 3 gifts found around a table?
fun, laughter, family
24- a gift in water, in words, in white? 
refreshment, encouragement, boarding pass for tomorrow's flight
25- 3 gifts today in someone older than me?
assistance getting to the airport, assistance in checking boarding pass, assistance with luggage
26- 3 gifts in fabric?
sweet new grandbaby wrapped in flannelette, 
scarves to create in skeins of yarn, summer freedom in lite fabric!
27- 3 gifts framed by a frame?
grandbaby framed by camera, my children framed by photos, views from my windows
28- 3 gifts eaten?
perogies, farmer sausage from home, with white cream sauce
29- a gift small, BIG, just right?
darling grandbaby, my son his daddy,  the day out enjoying each other's presence
30- 3 gifts YOU GAVE today?
forgiveness, love, time

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Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!