Saturday 8 June 2013

Dandelions on the Wind : Review - author Mona Hodgson

Dandelions On the Wind
"Tattered relationships and broken hearts, like a quilt,
can be pieced together by God’s love.

When Maren Jensen took a job on Elsa Brantenberg’s St. Charles, Missouri farm, she never expected to call the place her home. As she grows to love Mrs. Brantenberg and her granddaughter, Gabi, Maren is transformed from a lonely mail-order bride-without-a-groom to a beloved member of the Brantenberg household. 
But when Gabi’s father, Rutherford “Wooly” Wainwright, returns to the farm unexpectedly, everything changes for Maren. Despite the failing eyesight that caused her suitor to reject her, she can see that Wooly desperately needs to reconnect with the family he abandoned when his grief sent him running toward the army—and into the Civil War. 
Comforted and counseled by the wisdom of the women in her beloved quilting circle, Maren begins to discover the cost decisions demand of her heart.  Is it too late for love to be stitched into the fabric of her life?" - Goodreads


My thoughts:
Charming novella from author Mona Hodgson, Dandelions on the Wind,
[#1 of the Quilted Heart eNovella series], was pure reading pleasure. 

Characters with distinct personalities, realistic internal and relational conflicts that mattered to me, sensory descriptions, insights into farm and town life of the era; 
all worked together, capturing and keeping my interest.

I cared about the young Danish immigrant, Maren. Rejected by her groom-to-be, losing her eyesight, yet gaining a heart of wisdom,
"She knew what it was like to set off for the unknown... that of a dandelion on the wind."

Darling 4 year old Gabi, who gladly and openly takes first Maren, then her own father to her heart. 
Rutherford Wainwright, who returns from ravages of 2 wars wanting his daughter and a welcome 
yet not daring to believe it possible. 
Elsa Brantenberg, grandmother of Gabi, mother in law of Rutherford, employer of Maren; 
justified in her response to abandonment in her hour of need, 
yet needing now to extend the grace she had once preached to others. 
Authentic and appealing characters.

I loved the sense of community surrounding the Quilting Group gathering each Thursday at Elsa's farm. The inclusion of the children; the break from hard work; colourful personalities; 
faith exemplified and verbalized; care and support of each other. 
Beautifully drawn and descriptively visualized.

A well paced story, bringing us to a lovely conclusion.
Next in the series ~

A bit about the lovely author of the series, Mona Hodgson :
Ms Hodgson's writing credits include :
Dandelions On the WInd,  Bending Toward the Sun, and Ripples Along the Shore
 in the Quilted Heart series, 
Sinclair Sisters of Cripple Creek Series

 Prairie Song, Book 1 in the HEARTS SEEKING HOME SERIES, due Aug 6th!

plus, nearly thirty children’s books, contributions to eleven books for adults, and hundreds of short stories, articles, and poems in newspapers and magazines. 
One of Mona’s favourite things to do (besides writing or eating dark chocolate) is to speak at women's retreats, schools, and for women’s groups, librarians, and at writers’ conferences throughout the United States and Canada.
Mona lives in Arizona with her husband, Bob.
Check out 
Mona to learn more. Follow Mona on her blog Hindsight

@MonaHodgson on twitter, Goodreads , and FB


*Received with appreciation from Waterbrook Press / Random House for review without obligation.


  1. This sounds like a lovely series! I like reading books that leave me with a good wholesome feeling, especially right after reading a heavy drama book.

  2. I am so the same,Laura, reading something lighter and warm is like giving my brain a break! Thanks for stopping by..

  3. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing Dandelions on the Wind and creating such a lovely feature. I can't wait for you to reading Bending Toward the Sun, the next novella installment. AND I love the purple floral china teacup in your banner. Blessings, and Happy Reading!

  4. Hi Laura! I so appreciate your interest in my historical fiction. I do hope you enjoy the stories of the ladies in the St. Charles Quilting Circle. Blessings! Mona


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!