Sunday 16 June 2013

It's 3rd Monday in June! What Are You Reading? 17.6.13

It's the 3rd Monday in June !
What Am I Reading?
Well, I'm totally enjoying Library Thing's 
Monday June 10 -  Monday 17 midnite
Any other readers here participating?
I found out about it via twitter, a teeny bit late, but not enough to dissuade me !
So jumped in and, of course, enjoying another permission to read...
This one's different in that you can actually sign up for the hours you intend to read,
[or have read during the event]
allowing everyone to note when people are reading around the world.  Pretty cool.
Everyone can log book reads HERE plus responses .  
Of course reviews can be posted on your
Library Thing account or books added to your various libraries .
Sign up info that will be helpful for the next one can be found HERE.

If I continue to ignore my responsibilities for one more day I'll probably have 
another book to add!
So far, my week's been amazing book wise.  Starting with the 1/2 price sale at the 
neighbourhood charity store!
Not that I needed!  but at .25 and .50/each, I couldn't leave them shelved. 
Oh No.  3 bags full are now shelved [temporarily] on a large chair in my living room!
FuN to find books for family members by their fave authors too!
Extra wee gifts to surprise them once in awhile...

The reading part of my week looked like this ~
The BLossom Sisters 10.6.13  Unfortunately, content not worthy of its pretty cover.

Glamorous Illusions book 1 Grand Tour series Lisa T Bergren 10-12.13
Grave Consequences book 2 of the Grand Tour series

I liked book 1 best so far, but interest definitely piqued at ending of book 2 
Tons of Anticipation for book 3 due Oct 1st..
Grace's Pictures by Cindy Thomson read 14-15.6.13

Grace is a 19 yr old Irish immigrant - 
Add to this emotive story the invention of Kodak's Brownie, people's reactions to photos 
as invasion of privacy, and some suspenseful scenes ensue..
[plus a lovely side of romance!]

Finished Ripples Along the Shore eNovella 
#3 Quilted Hearts series by Mona Hodgson , 
and posted Goodreads review 16.6.13 today
A lovely series of sisterhood of women, post civil war, uniting in support and encouragement over  weekly quilting as they piece their lives back together and their hopes/dreams for the future..


I read 
Cupcakes, an ebook by Daniel Kelley, a LibraryThing win. 16.6.13 
           A short, well written familial eParable of 4 cousins being cared for by an Auntie 
who owns the bakery where they meet daily;
progressing to adulthood, whilst keeping the bond she instilled. 
Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til it's gone?
Definitely sweet, but not a cookbook!

That's it for this week at this point, but liable to change the minute another book 
catches my eye!


How about your reading week?
Books?  Read-a-THons or ReadaTHing?

Next Monday I probably won't post unless I'm super organized and autopost!
I'll be busy packing to fly out to meet my lovely wee grandson
[and of course spend time with my blessed son and daughter in law!]
Not to worry about my reading though - I've 2 1/2 hours to enjoy my kindle enroute!
Because I'll be away, I do want to invite ALL of you to join the 7th Annual
Canadian Reading Challenge 
which begins on Canada's Birthday, July 1st of every year.

Definitely a Top Fave Reading Challenge !
It's all about challenging one's self to more Canadian reading discoveries.
Are you up to the Challenge?  Hope to find you there!

Find more Monday Reading at Book Journey
If you're interested in a Summer Reading Program with Fab Book GIfts,


  1. I missed the ReadAThing announcement which is a shame cause it sounds like fun!

    Read on!
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. Sorry you missed it! I almost did too ..
    Thanks, Shelleyrae, will def read on!

  3. The Readathing sounds like a good time! Bookish events are always the best :)

    Have a great time with that new grandbaby!!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  4. The Grand Tour series looks interesting - I love the covers! I will have to check them out.

    Have fun on your visit!

  5. Nice week for you. ENJOY!!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  6. Impressive list! See my weekly reading list here:

  7. Nice list. I noticed the ReadAThing but ignored it. I am seldom successful at reading challenges. Come see my Monday Report here. Happy reading!

  8. I want to read the cupcake book! It makes me want to eat cupcakes only by looking at the cover :)

    thanks for stopping by my It's Monday... post earlier. Happy reading.

  9. I read Glamorous Illusions and I have Book 2 which I should read before Book 3 comes out! I sent you an email re P&P.

  10. It looks like you read some lovely books this week, I hope you enjoyed them.
    Have fun visiting your grandson!

    Have a good week, thanks for stopping by.
    Kind regards,

  11. I hadn't read those Christian Fiction reads but they are on my list for someday! I was wondering about Grace's Pictures, I've been seeing back and forth reviews for that one. Glad you enjoyed it!
    Here's My Memes Post.

  12. I am hungry! looks like you have had a successful reading week. :)
    Here ismy monday.

  13. Book sales are simultaneously wonderful and terrible, aren't they? I'm glad you found some great books. :)


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!