Tuesday 4 June 2013

Tea for Three ! Celebrating My First Grandbaby !

A wee bit late with this post but I'm pretty sure you'll understand
my attention was captivated in another direction !
My first grandbaby arrived this morning!
Safe and healthy delivery of both mom and 
grandson, Conway Joshua ...
7lb 6oz and a full head of lovely dark hair - he's beautiful!
Verrrry Grateful !!
A great way to begin a day !
Think I'll drink to that =)
and pour one for you as well...
A week ago I met a woman from the country who brought along a teacup I was interested in.
That's my surprise Teacup for this Tuesday morning Celebration.

Have a Wonderful Tea Timeout Today !
Thank you for sharing a Celebration cuppa with me ...
Cheers to Baby makes Three !

Linked with Sarah at Hope in Every Season
Katherine's Thursday Favourite Things
Terri's Teacup Tuesday


  1. Congratulations on the bundle you get to spoil rotten!! What a healthy baby weight! Congrats to the parents too!

  2. I remember when our first grandchild was born, and it was a boy too. It's a wonderful feeling being a grandparent for the first time, congratulations!
    I like the ruffled edge of the teacup and the pretty rose pattern.

  3. Congratulations! I don't have any grandchildren yet but I really hope I do someday.

  4. hooray! Best possible news!



    pour cet heureux événement
    qui vous apporte joies et bonheurs

    gros bisous à Joshua
    toute ma tendresse à la jeune
    et aux nouveaux Papy et Mamy
    edith (iris) France

  6. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and your family! Enjoy being a NaNa to your first grandchild.

    Blessings and best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  7. There is no joy to compare! Congratulations and all good wishes to baby Conway.
    (Pretty and sweet cup too.)
    Ruthie from: http://www.ladybstimefortea.blogspot.com

  8. Congratulations! Enjoy your new bundle of love....

  9. Congratulations on the safe arrival of Conway! That is wonderful news!
    Best wishes to the mom and dad in their new adventure as parents.
    Congratulations to you Grandmother!
    : )

  10. Thank you for your kind and warm responses ! You've blessed me + us !

  11. Hello,
    sorry for coming so late with my congratulations for little Conway Joshua. What a wonderful idea to make a tea time for his arrival. I wish you and your family happiness and blessings. Thank you for your visit and your sweet comment.
    Best greetings, Johanna


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!