Monday 10 June 2013

What Are You Reading this 2nd Monday in June? 10.6.13

What Am I Reading this
2nd Monday of June?
Considering my focus was completely redirected 
[for those who haven't visited last week]
by the arrival of my first Grandchild! 
I did actually manage to read !
CJ Darlington's Bound by Guilt  - story features a rare first edition of
The Great Gatsby, book thieving, foster care concerns, and a lot of
fascinating insider's info on the antiquarian book world.  My
Review is posted HERE
2nd ebook read was the novella, Dandelions on the Wind by 
Mona Hodgson.  1st in the Quilted Heart series featuring the 
St. Charles Women's Quilting Group and set just following the
Civil War.  Steady pacing, authentic characters, great insights
into both farm and town life and a lovely romance for Maren,
the young mail order bride without a groom!
Reviewed HERE
My next read is yet unpublished and my reading was intentionally left unfinished , something
I haven't had to do too often, but this one was just not worth my time
 I began Grave Consequences by Lisa T Bergren, author of the amazing River of TIme series.  Quickly realizing I would need to read book 1, Glamorous Illusions in the Grand Tour series
before tackling this one. I then clicked back to the menu and chose my 3rd ebook for the day!
and call me choosy, but swears are cheap fill that don't make great reading in my book!
So that's it for What I'm Reading this fine sunny Monday !
How about you?  Hoping you've fared better in the book department this week =)
At least we can always look forward to better choices!
Find more books to add to your reading stack this week
at Sheila's BOOK JOURNEY link HERE


  1. Bound by Guilt looks like an intriguing read. I love the way you put the elements of the story out there. Enjoy your books this week!

    The Monster Report

  2. Congratulations on the grand baby! How exciting!

  3. CONGRATS on your new grand baby.

    Dandelions on the Wind sounds good.

    Enjoy your week with the new baby and your books.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday!! What are You Reading?


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!