Friday 26 July 2013

Friday 5s: Keeping Our Cool

Joining Rev Gals Friday 5 play on beating the heat !
Here's their invitation to
 play along and tell us how YOU beat the heat when it's in season ...

Tell us your favourite:

1. Cool treat ?

2. Cool drink ?

fruity iced drinks Pinned HERE

3. Cooling-off place?

A drive in my air conditioned car 
to an air conditioned 

4. Cool clothes?

anything loose ~ 

suntops, lightweight fabrics over capris, sundresses

from Jigsaw London
5. Best alternative to air-conditioning?
closing windows and drapes before heat reaches high
works for me 

using fans to circulate and create air movement

then opening windows once temp drops for night


Share a photo of your favourite hot weather "chill out" spot.


Share your link in the comments.  Inspire us with what works for you...

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  1. Six great pictures worth many,many words. Thanks. Great play.

  2. WHOA. Love that cooling off place. ;) And mmmm... watermelon.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!