Friday 12 July 2013

Friday Fives Frivolity

Here's today's FuN FRIDAY FIVE prompt 
from Rev Karla at Rev Gals Blog Pals -

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Because I am feeling silly, or perhaps, just out there, our FF is dedicated to creating silly sentences.  We all need a little meaningless creativity and humour, right?

Use these five words (in any tense) in a sentence:

1. pulpit, puppy, wrench, word, mouse.
2. weep, love, prayer, bassoon, chair
3. heart, shutter, wish, turtle, walk
4. howl, worry, window, story, trust
5. garden, hat, shepherd, laugh, sigh.

As always, let us know you played in the comments. 
Ok, here's my share in the FuN ... 
1- The craftsman carved another word into the pulpit, while his puppy chased the mouse hiding behind the wrench.
2- Her love didst weep in prayer as he laid her bassoon across the chair.
3- It's the wish of my heart that turtle would walk out from behind the shutter.
4- The wind's howl increased her worry, watching at the window, while he told a story of trust.
5- Standing in the garden, hat in hand, the shepherd let out a laugh at the gamboling lamb, 
followed by an ominous sigh at the clean up he now faced.

Thanks, Rev Karla!  I enjoyed your creative inspy =))
If you need a bit of creative frivolity to relieve your daily decision making
[like giving your brain a playtime recess!]
be sure to share in comments.  We'll happily enjoy the laughs with you =))


  1. I loved your number 5!!!!
    Wonderful play, thank you so much.

  2. 1. pulpit, puppy, wrench, word, mouse.

    While in the pulpit, the puppy gave such a heart-wrenching sermon that her words made the mouse cry.

    2. weep, love, prayer, bassoon, chair

    When I feel like weeping, I love to write in my prayer journal while listening to bassoon music while sitting in an heirloom chair.

    3. heart, shutter, wish, turtle, walk

    While painting hearts on my shutters, I wished that I could teach turtles to moonwalk.

    4. howl, worry, window, story, trust

    When my children howl with worry as the wind and rain assault the windows, I tell them the story that I trust their father's meterological acumen

    5. garden, hat, shepherd, laugh, sigh.

    In my garden one day, modeling my new sun hat, my next-door shepherd laughed...and I sighed.


Welcome ~ so pleased you're here and taking time to chat!